Ch.3 A strange day

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After school yesterday and all the changes i've been making I actually thought today would be usual. Turns out that usual is exactly the oppisite word that comes to mine today. Today was strange, good, but weird.

Waking up to the sound of someone beating on my door isn't exactly... normal. Who would be knocking on my door at 5 o'clock in the morning?

I look outside only to see some random man on my door step.

"Hello?" They said then knocked again

"Who are you" I looked through the peep hole, not sure to open the door or not. This could be anybody, trying to take me away or- or looking for my mom. I can't trust anyone

"Hi, im Steve, I know its early and im deeply sorry to disturb you but I live a couple houses down." he pointed to the direction, realizing that im looking through the peep hole. ""I was just wondering.. I work pretty much every Sunday and my daughter, Macey, shes 6, well her daycare is only through the week days and I have no one to watch her, plus I seen you around here sometimes you seem like a nice girl and--"

"You want me to babysit her sometime?" This is the strange thing of the day but Is also a good thing, just strange.

"Yes and i'll pay you up front, thirty bucks each time if you keep her till twelve through, eh, five? What do you say?"

Should I go for it? What If I don't get the job, won't I need backup? I opended the door 

"Deal" I reached out my hand for his, he smiled and shook my hand like there was no tomorrow.

With that I made a bowl of cereal and then got ready for school. Usual its the other way around but today, I decided to do something different. Be different.

The day sped out fast until I got to lunch. I got my lunch, normally and sat at my table near the windows with a few people that I didn't know and then all of a sudden here she comes. Gabbriel Lynn, also known as Gabbi. She's not very popular but she is one of the most prettiest girls at Rochwell but because her dad owns a pizza place "Hot N' Ready" everyone thinks low of her. This school is very judgemental and to be considered "popular" you got to either have alot of money or throw lots of partys. Either, or.

"Melody is it?" Gabbi came up to me with the big bright smile

"Gabbriel right?" Even though I know her name it just seems right to say it back that way

"Aha yes, is it correct that you applied for Hot N' Ready?"

I nodded

"Well then its is correct that my dad looked over your application and you got the job" Her smile remained

I could say, It would've been nice working at Gelatti Joes but I guess I can settle. "Really?" Sound excited, this is good. "Thats great what'll be my hours? When will U start? Oh and--"

"Calm down" She lowered her hands signaling me to calm down. My excited act was a success.

"My father will text and email you all the details, but because you're a beginner you will work my shifts so you will see a lot of me." Her voice full of joy. How could someone be so friendly so easily?

"Sounds great, I'll see you there then." The smile I gave have has to be one of the happiest smiles I didn't even realize I had. 

"O.k. see ya, enjoy your lunch." One last wave and then she went back to her table with her friends

I got a job.. I got a job. I got a job!  

I couldn't gloat about it much anymore because the lunch bell wrung dismissing us to our class. When I got to Sixth period I didn't expect this. Again.

"Everyone, this is Lance Smith. He will be joining our Math class." Great. Fucking great. Once again I have to see this beautiful, cute -- NO. Don't stare again. Wait, why is he walking towards me? Don't smile at me. Maybe he's smiling at some girl behind me. Yeah, he must be.

"Hmm this is weird, every class I happen to have you in I always catch your eye. Maybe theres a connection?" He sly grin makes me automatically tell what type of guy he is. Not my type of guy. Not a guy I would even have a conversation with or even have a conversation with me that is.

"Why are you talking to me?" It came off a little ruder than I thought

"Ouch." He touched his heart as if I stabbed him there "Thats harsh coming from someone as adorable looking as you" Hold in the smile, hold it. "And what is your name miss grumpy?"

"Melody Mr.why are you talking to me." His lips curled into a cute simple smile that can still make me almost go crazy even if he acts like a conceited ass.

"Hmm Melody. You look more like a Crystal."

My eyebrow raised at the name Crystal "What the hell? Why is that?"

"Because you stand out, I can see you from a mile away. Crystal clear." Some how this was corny but cute

Something about today isn't a regular day, considering my new two jobs and the new guys hitting on me? Today's been strange but, strange is good. Good is strange.

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