Ch.2 Who is Lance

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The startling sound of my alarm clock awakened me. First Monday morning while living alone. Check. I get up and do the usual, shower, brush my teeth, you know, just getting ready for jail, aka school. I go for a simple look, nothing out of the ordinary that may give me extra attention.

Breakfast is tricky for me. Every morning my mom had me a fresh bag of McDonald's egg Mcmuffin's with a drink on the side, always a Pepsi. Today I decided to skip breakfast, it'll be fine. After that I grab my keys and go take a 7 minute drive to Rochwell high.

It's an normal, boring day today. Went to first period, kept to myself, went to third, and fifth but not until I get to 7th that things get a little out of the ordinary.

It started by the voice of my British speaking P.E coach "Settle down young women." The chaos of the noisy teenage girls didn't stop, it actually got louder. "Shut up!" The coach screamed. I swear you could've heard a pin drop in that room. Mrs.Carmen wasn't really a yelling type person "Now, I know I may seem fine but I'm awfully sick, I know this may not be what you signed up for but for the rest of the year I will be gone. I may return if my illness gets better but don't bet on it. So you might be wondering who you will be assigned to as your new teacher"

"Yea!" everyone began to yell at the thought of not having Mrs.Carmen, because , well she's a pushover. Half the girls in here come for attendance and go to the bathroom for the rest of the class without anyone noticing.

"Well its all covered. You will get dressed in your locker room and will have only 25 minutes. Everyday in seventh period after you are dressed you will stand and wait outside the boys locker room. Then you will have one of the boys coaches but you will do every activity with the gentlemen except when they play things, say like.. football, something we didn't normally play. And they will take every ones attendance."

"So you mean to tell me, that when we play soccer, basketball and everything that we both play, we play with them?" Someone questioned

"Yes but the teams will always be mixed. We have gotten all your parents to sign a contract saying they are not bothered by it, so you all will have to put up with this. I'm sorry girl---"

"Yes! Everyday we can be with boys!" Someone shouted and everyone went along with it.

Then someone less naive said "Yeah but we are gonna have to do more things and sweat in front of them. Gross"

"Who cares, my boyfriend won't mind!"

"Now girls" Mrs.Carmen began to talk "Be good and no dressing out today, this is already enough for you. So head over to their locker room and go get started for the day."

And by that, we did. I'm not so fond of this idea.

The boys were already outside and so were the coaches.

"Alright young ladies, I know this is new to you but you'll get used to it trust me." One of the coaches, Coach Arnold was tall and skinny, he seemed friendly. Too friendly. The other, Coach Barnett was short and seemed chill and laid back, but competitive. We were assigned to Coach Arnold. I'm guessing because he's softer. They remind me of Mario and Luigi. Coach Arnold being Luigi.

"Okay so those were the rules. You may and should follow the rules but if you don't then you will face the consequences. Okay today we'll just let you all shoot some hoops since this is the first day." We began walking to the basketball court "Wait a minute kids, I'm not done. Before you girls came we were just introducing our new student for this class." He looked around "Where is he, Lance, Lance!" Someone raised their hand.

"There we are, here's Lance Smith. Well this is him so welcome him everyone. Now go shoot some hoops kids." Coach Barnett patted Lance's back.

Lance. Lance Smith. Why is that familiar? His bright green eyes, brown hair and small, but cute lips. The way he looks at me while I stare at his eyes. Wait-- what?! I got caught. He caught me starring! I looked away and grabbed a basketball and went to the farthest hoop away from him. What was I thinking? Starring at boys, get it together girl. Just you, no help, no friends, no trust. Trust yourself and that's it. Just ignore people even if the person is adorable and has a nice smile and-- stop. I can't think abut these things.

Have a little fun, he's cute, you think so, go for it, your in high school why are you acting like a brat? You know Y.O.L.O

Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do or act like.

I didn't tell you I recommended it sugar lips

You don't understand anything about me obviously so why don't you go harass someone else? And my names not Sugar lips.

I'm not harassing anyone sugar lips, you just need to relax a bit?

That's not my name.

Sure sugar lips

A/N By the way the school is pronounced Rockwell. You noticed the new boy huh? :) Read more, it will get exciting!

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