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Mattie's POV

I can't believe it, I haven't seen Danny in years, the first time I ever met Danny was when he saved me from my Father's whip as my Mother lay at the foot of the stairs. It was meant to be a lovely family holiday, something to remember, well I will certaintly remember it... Mum and I went for a shopping spree, for some reason Dad was completly adamant on me and Mum going shopping, so adamant in fact that he gave me £50 and then he gave Mum £50 too, well you couldn't argue with that so me and Mum went shopping, and Dad stayed in the hotel, alone, well that is what we thought...

We were out for a few hours, tret ourselves to some new clothes and a few books, but I couldn't really enjoy myself much, I just kept thinking that Dad had something to hide and I came to the conclusion that he was preparing to leave Mum, I was wrong, but then again, what he did and what I thought he was going to do are practially both the same and just as bad. So yeah Mum and I had some lunch and then went shopping more and we really got talking so much more than normal, when we are at home, Mum was always stuck in her bedroom and Dad banned me from going to see her and talk to her, I rarely got to talk to her, the occasions that I tried and succeeded,  I would be punished, with either Dads fist or his whip.

But we get back to the hotel, to see Dad in bed with another woman, blonde curls flowing down her back and in a naked embrace, as soon as Dad acknowledges his WIFE and DAUGHTER at the door, he knocks the woman off of him and throws her her clothes and shoves her out the door. Then Mum rubs my back and whispers in my ear, "you go and have a swim sweetie in the pool, I will be out there in a few minutes, I just want to talk to your Dad." I look at Mum and try to plead with her, through the expression in my eyes, I don't want to leave Mum with HIM, she looks terrified, he looks furious, even though surely it should be round the other way.

"Sweetheart I will be fine, ok." she tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, she kissed my cheek and whispered,

"I had a lovely time today, darling, I love you lots" and then she gave me another kiss,

"So did I, it was fantastic Mum, I was glad to spend some time with you, I love you too Mum." I replied before looking at Dad who was over the other side of the room, putting some trousers on, and I planted a kiss on  Mum's cheek and then left the room, didn't look back and then as I got down the corridor, I let a single tear roll down my left cheek, and I didn't get to the pool, I stayed down the corridor and I slipped down to the floor, back resting against the wall, I dragged my knees up to my chin and wrapped my arms around my knees in a tight embrace, and I just listened to their argument, and Mum yelling and then crying was the last I ever heard of her, as she crashed to the floor, due to the blow from my Father's fist...

But, coming back to the present day and the harsh realities of my life, not having a roof over my head, barely any money and barely any food to fill my empty stomach. However maybe things are beginning to look up, now that Danny is here, as I'm running to him, I notice that he is talking to another young girl, she is very pretty and they both look very happy to be in each others company, but as soon as Danny sees me, he seems to forget her and his face breaks into a huge smile.          

"MATTIE!" he yells out, opening his arms out wide, and I run into them, he wraps his arms tightly around me and he begins to stroke my back. I can tell the girl he was with before is beginning to feel akward and she begins to walk away slowly.

"Hey, no wait." I hear Danny call out, as he lets go of me and holds out his hand to the other girl. She turns around and looks at me, I can't help, but think, that she is in the same situation as me, homeless and on the run from something, she looks like she hasn't eaten for months, I just smile at her. She walks back to me and Danny and introduces herself as Riley. 

"Hi Riley, I'm Mattie, its nice to meet you, where are you headed?"

"Its nice to meet you too, just a local hotel, need somewhere to crash for a while."

"Well, why don't you come with me then, I need somewhere to crash for a while, we could stay there together, suppose it would be for the best for us to stick together, or we will probably get lost!" she says and she begins to light-heartedly laugh.

"Yeah ok, that would be great, could do with having some friends around here in this big city."

Danny smiles at both of us, but his gaze stays on Riley for quite some time. I always thought that he would fall for a pretty girl, I would never be allowed in that territory.

Danny leads the way and he shows us to the local hotel that me and Riley can stay in and he is staying at a friends house.

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