Lost only friend in this place

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I leave the visiting centre in high spirits, depsite everything I had done, I still had someone that would fight in my corner, that is how lucky I am, as I really don't deserve it.

I met Danny at the train station that time, and then that is when I met Mattie, her and Danny met at an athletic event a few years back. I soon found out that Mattie was on the run as well, like me, but we kept that from Danny, as he was such a sensible guy that we presumed he would tell on us, but during our stay in Newcastle I spent some time with him, not much though, we went out a couple of times, but that was all. Then the day happened, where I followed Mattie and got arrested for the gun, and now here I am, I never got to say goodbye to Danny, but I did see him attend the court case and then leave very quickly when they announced my sentencing, that was the last time I saw him, until today, five months later and he has just told me that he loves me.

When I get back to my cell, Nadine is sitting on my bed, looking angry, I complelty understand why she is angry with me,

I look at her, hair scraped back into a ponytail, lips set in a thin line and eyes that look very cold, she stands up, so she is right in my face, backing me up against the wall,

"Woah, Nadine, look I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was going to bother turning up, I have been in here for 5 months without a visitor."

"Oh Boo hoo, poor Mia, I have been in here for nearly six years, and have had not one single visitor! You lied to me Mia, and I don't like liars." She snarled before shaping her hand into a fist and punching me square in the face, the sheer force jolted me and took me by surprise, but it hurt as well, I tried to be strong and opened my eyes, to show her that it didn't hurt.

"Finish her off girls," I heard Nadine whisper, before she dissapeared out of my view, then before I knew it I was on the floor, my sides been kicked and hands been stamped on, crushing my knuckles and all I saw, before I blacked out, was a fist coming very quickly to my face.

I felt blinded when I opened my eyes, the walls were much brighter and the door looked different, to my left was a very handsome man, when he noticed I was awake, he smiled,

"Ah you're awake, well listen you were involved in a fight and you are now in the hospital, you will need to stay here for a couple of days,"

I opened my mouth to speak,

"Thanks Doc", a deep voice said from next to me, I turned around, shocked to see that it was Danny, what, was he doing here? Danny smiled at me,

"I was the first port of contact, if anything happened to you, and me and him," he said pointing to the doctor, "are good mates." He said smiling. My Doctor placed a water jug on my beside, and told me if there was anything that I needed, to just press my buzzer and he would come right away, and then he said, whilst smirking,

"I have told the guard to leave, as I will keep an eye on you, and I will just be in the next room, however I will knock on your window three times, to let you know when someone is coming and give you a chance to put your clothes back on, " he said winking, before leaving. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, as I glared at Danny, 

"What did you say to him?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. In response he laughed at me,

"He is a good mate of mine, and sees me with a girl, and he automatically thinks that I am sleeping with you, plus he is just trying to fathom out our relationship before he makes his move." Danny said smirking. I laughed in response and then my laughter descended into moans of pain, as when I laughed it felt like there was something sharp poking in my ribs. Danny knelt down and placed a finger underneath my chin, lifting my head up to directly face him, making smooth circles on my cheek with his thumb, he smiled gently at me, before standing up, allowing me to rest back in bed. I shut my eyes and breathed out, only thing to get me through the pain, before I saw Danny motion for the Doctor to come in, and he came in winking at Danny,

"No Sean, we aren't all like you." Danny chuckled, before hitting his friend in the arm.

"Right I should be off, I'll come see you soon Mia." Danny whispered, some tears building in his eyes, as he took one last look at me, all battered and bruised, before he came and placed a kiss on my forehead, then he shook hands with Sean and left the room. I watched him leaving and the only thing I could think, as I closed my eyes to go to sleep was, when would I see him again...

Being in this place I had never felt this alone before in my whole life and I had no one to blame but myself and my desperate need to be spotted and part of THAT crowd, I wanted Bobby to like me and in doing so I was blind to my morals and have ended up here and the sentence will hardly be short, so here's to spending more times in this little hospital bed with my nose broken and my ribs crushed. 

As I lay here in this bed, I think about the life that was ended as a result of my actions, I killed a man...KILLED another human, I mean seriously what is wrong with me?! I am having this constant internal battle with myself and without realizing Sean has appeared by my bed and he is watching me concerned, almost like he is assessing me or something, and that's when I look down to where his eyes have drifted to and see blood dripping down my left arm....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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