Last chance my brother's bestfriend - (2)

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Hey ok this is chapter 2, this chapter is wirtten by both me (Lucky3) and @luvi857 so please enjoy ;p

Chapter 2

I gently felt a large hand on my left shoulder, trying to get me awake by shaking me roughly. 'Em, Emilee, Em, come on you have to wake up,' murmured someone to my side. Trying to roll away from that torturing hand and annoying voice, I rolled over. Until I felt my stomach drop and landing on top of something solid but soft that let out an addible grunt.

Wanting to know what I landed on, I tried lifting my eyelids slowly and carefully, not wanting to be on someone or something. But, unfortunately, it happened to be Josh, out of the two of them that happened to be in this room, sleeping on this floor. So, I let out a little squeal of surprise and trying hurriedly to get off of him. 

He looked at me and started laughing; I felt a blush creeping up my neck from embarrassment. He stopped suddenly and brushed his hand along my flushed cheeks wiping away the tears that I didn't know had spilled out without me knowing that I was crying. 'shhh,' he whispered in a soothing voice, 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to' he said in a small but deep voice.

I stopped moving completely, until I felt strong arms wrapped around my slim waist and brought me into the bathroom that was connected to this room. I still didn't know who's house this was but then realized that it had to be Josh's house and his room that we were currently staying in. so, I stopped panicking and kicking at the unknown person that was holding me, my feet just barely brushing the white carpeted floor.

I was set down onto the fluffy white ground and saw Lucan sit down on the toilet in front of me. 'Em, calm down, it's okay, it’s just me. Everything is okay, Emmy. Nothing’s wrong, your fine, Emmy' he spoke softly as if trying to sooth a crying baby. He reached out to wipe away the tears that still wouldn't stop spilling out from my eyes.

'Come on, you know this isn't you' muttered Lucan, loud enough for me to hear it. When my sobbing wouldn't stop but only got louder and harder, Josh came in and pulled me into a hug. The more that I tried to struggle the tighter he hugged me.

I calmed down knowing that it was no use in even trying to get away from him. Josh sank both of us to the ground and sat me on to his lap, when I was calm enough to speak I said the only thing that came to mind 'I have to pee,' I felt Josh roaring with silent laughter that he tried so hard to keep quiet. Up until Lucan just started laughing his ass off almost falling of the toilet seat.

I was soon crying again but this time for a different reason, laughing tears not sad tears, running down my face again. 'No, really I have to pee,' I breathed out through the laughter that I couldn't control which only caused Lucan to end up gasping for air on the floor, with fits of giggles here there. I groaned once I was over my laugh attack, and got up from Josh's lap reluctantly to make my way out the room to the bathroom that was in the hallway a few doors down.

When I stepped back into the room, they weren't in the bathroom anymore, but one of them sitting on the desk chair and the other on the bed. Everything was fine, just like Lucan said I thought with a small smile on my face. 'School' Josh practically yelled, and with that one word we all moved into action, me and Lucan moving toward the room's door and Josh moving quickly to his closet.

We ran as swiftly as we could, to the stairs would let us then full out sprint out the front door and into his truck. Speeding as fast as he could without braking any of the traffic laws. We made it just in time to see Xavier half dragging, half carrying an unconscious Devon back into the house. Lucan ran his hand through his hair groan, and jumping out his side of the truck. “What happened?” he asked as I slowly slipped out shutting the door quickly as possible so I could over hear the convocation “We don’t know I came and he was like this.” Xavier’s eyes flicked to me and small smile was on his friendly lips.

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