Last chance my brother's bestfriend - (3)

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Picture of Emilee ...................................................................................................................................>

Chapter 3

Everything kept swirling in and out of focus, every time I tried to get my bearings it would just go back out of focus, swirls of colours and meaningless sounds. Even the cute blonde haired boy stopped trying to get me to listen or talk and just towed me into Hell. Blonde boy, I think his name was Jacob or was it Jake? Who knew?

Well, actually the lady that was now in front of me did know him and me. The lady had red all around her, like smoke but red. Which was weird because Jake? Had blue around him, like he was scared or concerned of something. That old hag was mean, she ruined all of my fun by injecting me with something that was clear and that pricked my arm.

I frowned at this, 'shit that hurt' I wined sadly and huffed. That women the Devil, that thing that she injected me with I soon recognized was a needle and it was full of a liquid that sobered me up right away.

'Ugh,' I groaned, my head was a female dog with three heads and a butt for a face, 'stupid nurse and her needle' I grumbled some more as I stood up and made my way to the exit. "Ooh, no you don't young lady! You sit back down right here and tell me exactly what you've been doing to yourself that brought you here," the nurse, I think her name was Patty, said firmly. "Hey, I’m talking to you," she yelled, I couldn't really think straight or want to hear her, with a bitch ass headache like the one I had.

So, I just ignored her and kept walking out of the mouse sized little office that she called a clinic. 'Great, thanks allot, Jake. You just made my day' I remarked sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah, sure why not! I'm glad I made it, babe," he rolled his eyes. "I get things are rough but you can't keep doing things like this. Anyway, are you going to come to Mike's party?" he questioned eagerly. I couldn't help but smile at his boyish ways, that’s Jake for you. You couldn't be serious with him for a little while because he would usually change the subject before anything really happened.

"Good luck" he muttered before walking away hastily almost running away as if bulls were after him. I chuckled until I saw what he meant, was storming my way. 'Shit' I breathed for what felt like the millionth time today and I bet won't be the last.

"What the hell Em! What were you thinking, doing that crap when you had to go to school" Xavier practically yelled at the top of his lungs. 'Oh, I’m sorry daddy. I didn't know you would spank me.' I replied mockingly "Oh, yeah be the smart ass" he retort back at me. 'It’s not like this was my first time, smart one' I couldn't help but counter back. "Fine, whatever. I'm just glad you're okay. So, what do you have right now?" he questioned.

'I think, gym,' I answered 'you?' "Same," he replied "so come on we got to go before were anymore late then we already are". I smiled softly at the ground, that’s Jake all right, sweet but leaves you when there is trouble coming that involves best friends. We were almost to the gym doors before Xavier pulled me to the side.

"Your sure you're okay, right? Because if you aren't then we can go and…." He stopped short knowing that I would know what he was talking about. 'No,' I shook my head, I can't cut myself right now, Jake or Lucan would see it or worse they would think I couldn't give it up and wouldn't let me five miles near a sharp object.

I couldn't let that happen, I thought to myself, they would send me away to some crazy place where they would keep you locked up in a stripe jacket, your hands tied up behind your backs. I shivered just thinking about what they would do. "You cold? Or you just don't want to go in?" he questioned me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2011 ⏰

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