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Kai pov

Its already 2 years seen haejin dead.  I miss her so much.  But I promise that I will make the person suffer.  The want who make my sister kill her self. And the person was...... KRYSTAL .......

She is my wife right now. 

"Ya Krystal you came here !!!" I say while shouting.  She is coming to me and " Krystal prepared breakfast " say me again.

"I already prepared your breakfast " say her. "Okay go to your room back " say me. She go to her room back meanwhile I go to the dining room. 

Its already been one and half year seen I married her. Even though I hate her but her food was great and because I always say that I like her food that why I always eat alone.  I don't want her to hear that.


"Kai I am going out " say her. "No you can't go " reply me. "Why? " ask her. "I say you can't so , you can't go!!!!!!" Say me. I go toward her and pull her hair .

"Kai... stop,  it hurt!!! " say her while crying.  "SHUT UP !!!"say me. I bring her to her room and I lock the door. "Kai... kai open the door please " say krystal. "You will be in there until tomorrow,  so shut up " say me.

I am going to make you suffer Krystal. 

Suffer. ....suffer.. suffer

* hi it's my new story and of course It was kaistal story.  So please read my another story also about kaistal.

-you are my world krystal
-you are not my best friend anymore you are my girlfriend


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