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Author pov

After that incident, kai keep on hurting Krystal. But one day, Krystal . She ran from her and kai home. Using the window and go to her house.

"Baby jung what happen to you, why you have so many scars !!!???" Say donghae

" ka...ii....ka...I "

"What have he done to you!!!??"

"Answer me soojung!!! " say her brother Leeteuk

"He thought, I was the one who made his sister die oppa. I am scared " say her while sobbed

Her brother was so shocked ...


"Princess pack you bag we are going to the palace " say Leetuek

"Everybody pack your back we are going home "








2 years later

Kai pov

Its been 2 years seen krystal ran away and at the same time i find out that my sister are the one who wrong.
She hate krystal because many guy like her .

I tried to find her but i can't and i ...... miss her.

I just arrive from german because i have some meeting .....

"Sir did you see right there ?" Say my assistent.

I look to my left and i see a group of men in coat they look like a bodyguard. But why so many .....

"Sir they are the jung and they are..... MISS KRYSTAL FAMILY "

Hi sorry for late update because i don't have any idea so i hope you guys give me  some so don't forget to vomet.

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