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Lexa sighed as she removed her coat and threw it on the floor at the entrance of the tent she shared with Clarke. Taking off her boots, she jumped when she felt something soft rub against her hand. She jumped back, startled, and shook her head: A cat. It was small and... cute, a white stripe running from the back of its neck to its nose. It meowed at her and she glared at it before walking further into the tent.
"Clarke?" She called, searching for the other woman. Before her eyes could fully adjust to the dim lighting, she stumbled on something and fell onto the floor with a thud. Looking for the thing which had caused her fall, she was met with a pair of small yellow eyes, which happened to belong to a ginger tom cat. She growled and struggled up and continued her search. She soon found Clarke sprawled on the bed, giggling to herself as she played with a small kitten. Lexa allowed herself a moment to smile to herself, but only a moment. She stalked towards Clarke with the two cats she had found traipsing behind her. She stopped in front of the bed and glared at her girlfriend.
"Is something wrong, babe?" Clarke asked, never looking at the other woman.
"Cats," Was the simple response. Clarke sighed and sat up, finally meeting the Commander's eyes.
"I know I should have discussed it with you first," she began, stroking the kitten, "But... I kinda adopted four cats." Lexa gaped, speechless, as Clarke continued, "They were just stranded out in the cold, and I couldn't leave them all alone!"
Lexa sighed. She sat next to her girlfriend and stroked the kitten on the bed. "What are they called?" She asked, and Clarke beamed.
"Van Gogh, Raphael, Dante and the big one is Michaelangelo."
"The big one?" Lexa asked, and soon as she spoke, a large animal appeared, growling and snarling.
"That's the big one," Clarke stated, still smiling. Lexa didn't share her girlfriend's happiness.
"Clarke... that's a cougar."

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