Chapter 5 - bow - chick - a - wow - wow

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We both froze and quickly spun around to see who had caught us. Damn, I really thought I was gonna kiss him..

I could feel my checks burn inflamo red red as I lifted my head to see a boy staring at us, I assumed he was Bryces brother. He had the same ruffled blond hair, the same brown eyes and muscular build. In other words veryhot. He was wearing some vans with a plaid top and black denim jeans. He actually, had quite a good fashion sense. For a boy that is.

I felt quite scruffy in my sun dress with my messed up brown hair and green eyes full of embarrassment.

Bryce cleared his throat and chuckled half heartedly

"David!" Bryce said happily as he scooped him into a hug. "Long time no see bro" he said as he scuffled his hair.

David laughed and wrestled his way out of his brothers head lock. "Yeah, too long bro" he said casually with his hands in his pockets.

I just stood there awkwardly as they exchanged some conversation catching up. Seriously how long had it been since they last saw each other?! I though as I suddenly became very interested in studying my finger nails.

I accidentally let out a small cough and both the brothers head shot up to me. Oh god. I inwardly groaned as I put on a feeble smile "hehe" I chuckled nervously.

"Oh man!" Bryce scolded himself slapping his forehead. "I'm so sorry Maria, I forgot to introduce you." He said as he pulled me over a bit closer to David.

My heart was racing a million zillion times per hour as I did a death clutch on Bryces arm. Oh god why am I so socially awkward?! I though as I imwardly groaned.

David face had an amused look on it as he saw my distress and awkwardness. What a man be -otch.

"H..hi" I fumbled out as my hand shot out from my side and into a shaking position.

David's eyes loomed over my hand and I felt embarrassed and like shooting it back into my side. Oh god, was he really studying my bitten finger nails?! I really had to stop biting them..

He hovered over my hand one moment longer and then looked up at me. He grinned a cheeky grin as soon as he saw my face. Oh god why was he having this effect on me?! Breath breath breath, it would not be good to faint in front of two hot ass boys.

I swear I could almost see a light bulb over his head and no sooner had I though it he blended down in to a bowing position and shouted "HOW THEE DO MILADY??" My mouth open and closed like a goldfish not knowing what to say. But it looked like I didn't have to say anything, no sooner had he finished that it looked like he had another thing in store.

He reached over and picked up my trembling hand, my first instinct was to move away from his contact but, I was quite enjoying this now. I let out a small giggle and he looked up pleased. Obviously he was trying to impress me or something.

He leaned down and planted a kiss on my hand. I giggled once again and went to pull my hand away from him but he held on and looked up to me whispering "uhh uhh uhh" in a rythmmic pattern.

To my utter shock and disbelief he started trailing kisses right up my arm. My face jaw hung open and I was seriously considering if I remembered anything about hearing about Bryce having a physco path brother.

I looked over to Bryce who looked like he was spewing his face was red and looked like he had had enough.

But oooooooh noooo that didn't stop David he trailed a long line of kisses up my arm and neck, I shivered as I felt his lips touch my cold body. As he reached my ear he leaned in and whispered "why hello Maria, I'm David Anderson. And may I say you are mighty FINE" I tensed at his comment and pulled backed.

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