The Tears of Despair

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"Would you like to go watch a musical? Or... go casual holding hands at a museum? No... if you don't like that, we can watch a good movie at your house, I can buy us popcorn or I could grab us goody hot chocolate, and then..."

"Shhh... Don't speak." I whisphered. "I'd like this silence between us. I'd like to imagine you in your study, with a cleen sheet of paper in front of you. I'd like to imagine how you look right at this moment. I'd like to think about how you sip your coffee, or subconsciously smile at a typical newspaper article that you found annoying... just like the normal you. I love all that about you, and much much more. But, do you know what I love the most about you?"

"What?" He said in reply.

"Shhh... Just let me talk. What I love the most about you is that you could listen, and you listen very well, not leaving out any detail. You say the right things at the right time. You come at the most unexpected moments of my life. It's like we always share this connection. You make me happy all the time, and when you listen, my whole world from a jeopardized puzzle, forms to be a beautiful swan. And for that, I thank you."

I could hear him smiling or chuckling at the other side of the line. I could hear his shallow breathing, like I could almost see his chest rising and falling. He sounded happy, and I am glad he was. I smiled, feeling the same joy.

"I wanna hug you, and kiss you right now." He said, probably smirking.

"No, I'd see you soon. I'll surprise you. Goodnight." With that, I fell asleep.


The alarm rang and it was 6:47 in the morning, a Saturday. Hallie went for a jog, that's why I had no one to crash breakfast with. I dialled Elizabeth's number.

"Liz, is there by any chance a possibility for you to come here in New York and share a breakfast with me?"

I heard Liz' usual laugh. "Good thing, Coe, that's the first thing I need after a fight with Emmett."

"What? another ElizEmmett fight?! Gosh, Liz, you're thirty-something. You should be marrying him, not sumo wrestlin' with him."

"Look, let's just not talk about that guy, and get a good day's start." She was sweet lemoning on herself.

"Liz, I'm glad you're having a break with me. I mean, breakfast. I know a Steak house nearby. Meet me at Sebastian's Grill?"

"I'll be there at nine."

Liz was ever beautiful. She seemed like a girl in her mid twenties. She wore a pale pink polka dotted dress and she had a Manhattan tote with a beautiful top hat. Her shoes were to kill for. A light shade of yellow with a blue flower right on top.

"You're gorgeous, Liz!"

Of course, I was in my office coat and a sheer rose blush from my spring latest collection.

Liz smiled and hugged me. "Wow, look at you."

I held her hand like the old times and we walked in.

"So, how's daddy?"

"He's doing great, Coe. He missess you so much."

Well, I had a great time with Elizabeth. She loved Emmett so much. They often fight, but she backs him up with the ,any good things about him. She said he was at the very edge of proposing to her, but small fights of theirs sometimes ruin the thing. My sister said that she can't imagine a life without Emmett. She knew that. I am so happy for Elizabeth. Well, daddy was doing well. I sent him onion and chives often times and I pull in love notes. It's been months since I last saw dad. Well, It just turned out that the day with Liz was too beyond breakfast, we ended up playing in an arcade like teenage girls. She went home before the break of dawn. I was sleepless, of course. I was too happy to answer calls from Declan, or Hallie, or even from the office. I rode my car to home and then of course, I called Declan to make sure he was not angry

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