The Dreams

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UNEDITED, but please enjoy!!!!

I gently opened my eyes to see who this guy was. And I almost died as a mini heart attack surged through my body. The guy in front of me was someone filled with angst in his look. His bearded face only revealed the pink lips of his. He wore a plaid polo, unbottoned, which made me see his perfect abs. I saw the same worried look across his face. The same look Nate gave me on the day I jammed myself into an accident. For a split- second, our eyes collided. I never thought of anything but that face registered on my memory. Another guy, who anonymously saved me again from a second disaster. I even forgot the reason why I walked across the hallway without assistance, not fearful of anything that might happen. I wanted to stand up, I wanted to thank him, but with the stopped world, with our position, with his hands against my whole body, I lie speechless for a moment. I was not sure of what state I was in, but all I know is that... I was entranced. The guy, frustrated at what to do gently picked me up, and wrapped his arms around me as he tried to steady me up. I hated this condition. I felt disgust in myself as I realized the grave betrayal I was doing against Nate. After the big rejection of his feelings, I was doing this? Feeling the abs of another man against my tummy, as his arms were wrapped around me? What a sad sad story. I tried to stiffen my muscles so I could stand firmly. He was about to hold my hand when I pushed him away and smiled as a sign of thanks and walked away again.

I didn't even bother to look back, I leaned on the walls, until I was able to go back to the cheery yellow room, Nate had prepared for me. I called Linda and asked her to bring my breakfast, although I was not really hungry. I just needed strength to go on for another round of practice. Linda asked me of what breakfast I would want. I told her to just give me some bread to eat, for I was shy too leave the food unfinished, if ever she gave me something heavy.

Linda came with a warm smile, bringing my food in bed. I smiled back and sighed as she closed the door behind her. I stared at my food, bacon, eggs, bread and orange juice. There were also layers of cheese and a small block of butter in front of me. I took a bread and set it up with the bacon and eggs together. I took a few bites, until I finished all of it. I gulped down the orange juice and placed the food table on the bigger side table beside me. I lie down and stared at the ceiling, replaying the dinner I had with Nate. Well, the best part was when we danced. I had his arms around my waist. The arms... Nate's arms... With these thoughts, I flashed back to he face of the guy who had his arms... across my whole body. I was paralyzed for a moment as I remembered his facial features. The manly stubble in his face... his unbuttoned plaid... the reflexes he did to save me... it seemed like, he was just dressing up when I almost tripped, because his hair was messy and wet. I processed the thoughts, I realized... he deserved to be thanked. He didn't do anything to help me betray Nate... It was I who found him attractive. Actually, I found him more attractive than Nate. I haven't heard his voice, but his eyes spoke a thousand things to me. He's nowhere near Nate, but his eyes... they were so beautiful. They spoke of times, and troubles, joys, and pains. they spoke of him in every way. I never understand why I really felt a tinge of commitment to Nate. Is it because he had my life saved? Is it because I owe him something? or... do I really like Nate? I brushed the thoughts off. I told myself... "Of course you like Nate, Colette. That is why you felt so bad for the silence you gave off last night." Wait... silence... why was I silent? Durng that time, I should have said a "vice versa" statement to Nathan. that is... If I really am into him. I was momentously thinking of the things about Nate that I liked and loved, until I fell into a deep, motionless sleep.

I was sitting down the bench beneath the shade of the gigantic tree. My hair fell along the sides, with my whole consciousness was slated through the air.

"Hi beautiful." A guy just said. I have never heard the voice before. But for some reason, it felt so dear to me. It's like it's a voice screaming from the past, begging me to remember. I badly wanted to look up and check who this man was, but as if there was a force holding me back.

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