1. - Don't Freak Out

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Chapter One

Bo's POV : 

Don't freak out Bo, don't freak out, I thought to myself. "Yes. Miss Stump, meet One Direction. One Direction, meet Miss Bo Stump." Abbie smiled. "It's wonderful to meet you Bo." Harry smiled a cheeky grin. I felt my cheeks fluster and I smiled, "Thanks, you guys too." I said, now looking over to Abbie again, giving her the 'are you going to explain to me?' look. She must have known the look I gave her because she spoke up.

"Miss Stump, the boys of One Direction are here to learn cheerleading. I have assigned you with the task of making them into the best cheerleaders that we've had since you started when you were 7. They will be competing in the World's championships in Alicante, Spain so you have three weeks to prepare them. You will show them around, get to know them, and they will be at all of the banquets. The rest of your team will meet them tomorrow, they will be warned by me that they must not squeal or anything like that because they will attract attention; which is the complete opposite of what we want." Abbie smiled, ushering to the boys.

"I must go and talk to Debbie so you can get to know each other." Abbie smiled before rushing out of the door, shutting it behind her. I turned to the boys and they were all stood up with ear-to-ear grins on their faces. "So, do you have anywhere to stay here in Paradise Valley?" I asked quietly. "Uh, not exactly. Your coach mentioned something about staying at her's and your house?" Harry muttered with a chuckle. "You can stay at my house? The house has at least 5 spare rooms in it. I mean only if you want to." I said quickly and nervously. God Damnit you're not very good at this whole 'don't freak out' business, I thought to myself.

"That'd be great! Thanks!" Liam cheered, hugging me, tightly. "Uh, Liam?" I mumbled, trying to breathe. "Sorry, sorry, cheerleaders like personal space." He chuckled, letting me go. "How do you-" I looked down at my kit. "Oh yeah." I chuckled, blushing in embarrassment. "Do you have cheer again today?" Niall asked in his thick Irish accent. I think I just died. "N-No. I, uh, finished for the day." I smiled, trying to cover up the fact that I was blushing and stuttering. "Do you mind if we come back to yours now?" Louis piped in. "Of course. Oh, and just to warn you; my mum is the woman who was just in here and my dad, well he's hardly ever here because he's always on tour with his band." I laughed.

They laughed and nodded as we sneaked out of the door. We made our way out of the Cheer Athletics building and they looked at me. "Is it within walking distance? If not, we can get Paul, our manager, to come and drive us." Zayn smiled. "Lazy ass." Niall mumbled, earning a smack over the head from Zayn and a giggle from me. "Uh, no. It's half an hour away and the roads are only for vehicles, you cannot walk on them unless you fancy getting ran over." I said with a chuckle. "I'll call Paul!" Louis yelled, grabbing his phone from his pocket and walking a little away to talk on the phone to Paul.

I sat down on the grass and crossed my legs. I grabbed my phone out of my training bag and started scrolling through twitter. 1 new Direct Message. I sighed and hesitated to open it.

@BritneyCroft: Why were you even at skool today? No one likes you and NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU so get a brain and die. Bye babe ;) .xx 

I sighed and switched off my phone, not wanting anymore to do with her. Britney Croft is the bitch of Tesseract High School. Even though she's far from popular - because me, James and Madison are the populars of Tesseract High - she still feels the need to bully the popular kid. Sad, right? I know..

"Penny for your thoughts?" Niall's voice made me jump. "Nothing much." I said with a fake smile. "Come on, you think I'm stupid enough to buy that smile? Seriously Bo?" He said with a sad smile. "Just some girl at Tesseract High who feels the need to bully the popular kid." I sighed, shaking my head as if to say it doesn't matter. "I've got myself a popular girl, aye?" He winked, making me blush. I slapped his arm playfully and he held his arm as he pretended to pout. "Hurtful." He muttered with a cheeky grin. He pulled out his phone and started typing away. Before I knew it, I had a Twitter notification. I looked at Niall and he had the same grin on his face he had before.

@NiallOfficial: Whoever feels to have the need to bully @BoStump are stupid. Seriously? She's beautiful #BeautifulBoBrooks love ya gal x 

I felt my cheeks fluster and I looked up at Niall. He winked and kissed my cheek, turning my cheeks red hot. "Stop making me blush Niall." I pouted playfully at Niall. "You know, I can make you blush ten times more if you want?" He chuckled, helping me to stand up from the grass. "Thanks." I mumbled as we all made our way over to Paul - who had just arrived. "You must be the beautiful Bo Brooks, our Niall has been talking a lot  about you since he knew he had to come here." Paul winked, my cheeks and Niall's cheeks turning red hot once again. "Yeah, that's me. It's wonderful to meet you." I smiled. I was about to shake Paul's hand, but he pulled me into a hug.

"Don't do handshakes. Hugs are more for me." He chuckled, letting me get into the black SUV with the boys. "Where to lads and Bo?" Paul said from the drivers seat. The boys looked at me and I nodded. "5008 East Cannon Drive please Paul." I said as I crossed my leg over the other. "The richest area of Paradise Valley." He said astonished. "Yep." I said popping 'p'. "Okay." He smiled before setting off down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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