(1) The Coronation Party

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Agatha was lost in the sea of people crowding around Tedros.
"Can anyone even hear me?" she called, trying to at least get someone's attention. But no one noticed her, so she gave up and walked away from the throng of people, slumping into the nearest chair.
She looked around. The servants really had gone all out with the coronation decoration. Banners hung across the marble walls, and the crystal chandelier was strung with streamers.
She sighed, feeling left out. Unlike Tedros, who was enjoying being King to the fullest, Agatha was still slightly daunted at the idea of royalty.
She peered across the dance floor to her confident prince. He was at the front of the conga line, laughing with a pretty girl she didn't recognise.
Agatha's heart twisted and she hid behind her jet black hair.

Merlin soon came into view, and he plonked onto the seat beside her, his starry blue cloak fanning around his gangly legs, revealing polka dot socks.
"Child, why aren't you enjoying the dance while you can? Soon you'll have to get used to being Queen, and sitting in a corner alone won't help!"
Agatha sighed and turned to the wizard. "I'm not in the mood for dancing right now, or not by myself at least," she said, feeling gloomy.
Merlin cracked a grin. "Well, come to me if you ever want to boogie the night away, okay?"
Agatha faked a smirk and he disappeared into the crowd again, finally leaving her alone.

She wished Sophie could be here with her. They would dance, and they'd laugh together, and they'd be happy, and-
But Sophie wasn't here. She was the School for Evil's new Dean.
Agatha sat there, alone, for quite some time. Eventually, Tedros walked over to her, still winded from a dance
"Are you alright, Agatha?" he asked.
She looked up at him. "Finally finished dancing with other girls yet? Or have you just got started?" Her sarcastic tone said it all.
Tedros grinned cheekily. "Nope, I'm all yours." He took her hand as music played and helped her up. They began waltzing around the ballroom, and Agatha pushed thoughts of Sophie to the back of her mind.

"I've been thinking," she began as they danced. "Maybe under the circumstances, I could be more of a stay-at-home-doing-nothing type queen?"
Tedros smiled down at his pale, beautiful princess. "Agatha, I wish you could stay here all the time, but you know I need your help as King."
Agatha's brow creased in worry, wondering how she of all people had ended up being Queen of Camelot.

After the coronation party finished, it was already the early hours of morning.
Agatha plodded up the grand staircase, almost collapsing onto Tedros in exhaustion. She found her room, and sunk into her bed's downy sheets.
"Night, night, Agatha," Tedros whispered. "See you in the morning."
Tedros tiptoed out of Agatha's bedroom and into his own, feeling like he could fall asleep right then and there-
A beautiful girl with topaz eyes and waist-length blond hair was perched on his bed.
"Beatrix?" Tedros gawped.
The girl nodded meekly, got up and ran out the door.
Tedros shook his head in shock. Why was Beatrix here? And what was she doing in his room? He got into bed and settled down, trying not to notice the butterflies in his stomach, urging him to follow her outside.

Hey guys, I'm sorry if this is super short, but I'm new and this is my first story on Wattpad. Also, thanks for reading my first chapter! <3

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