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Written by lucayatics101 on insta and tumblr. and gymgal1996 on fan fiction.


Riley's mouth is pressed close to the receiver of her phone, breathing heavy into the end of the line. I tell her to slow down, to inhale, exhale, repeat what happened, it's fine I promise. After a few extra tries, I get Maya is at a party, she's drunk, with Josh, and he can't get her to go home. Shit.

"What are you doing? I hear something," Riley says.

"I'm going to get her." In less than a minute, I'm out of my apartment. She's hearing me on the stairs. Ever sicne Maya had me watch that scary movie, One Missed Call, I've been avoiding the elevator.

"Are you sure?" Riley sounds wary. "I feel bad."

"You said 4th and Elm right?"

"Yes. Can you bring her here or home?"

I duck out into the street. It's dark and I silently curse at Maya. Sometimes she seems okay, like a normal human being who I can understand., even get along with. But then she goes and does something like this and all my resolve about figuring her out is gone. "Josh is still with her, right?"

"Yes he is. He just can't handle her. She can be a lot."

Zay says Maya and I are salt and vinegar, at each others throats all the time because of the way we're built. We like each other. I"All she does is make fun of me?" That's what I told him. He practically shouted, "You're both kidding yourselves. You like her! She likes you. Actual blind people can see this shit!"

We get into fights about Maya a lot. I say we're nothing alike and he says we both have tempers so we can anticipate each other's moves and stop each other from going too far."

The house isn't hard to find on Elm. Music blares and there's a girl out front lighting a cigarette. She inhales through her mouth, blowing the smoke out of both nostrils. For a second, I see the blonde hair and the small figure and I think it's her, standing outside by herself and I'm ready to kill Josh. But it's not her. Uncle Boing is inside, sitting on a large chair in the corner of the cramped New York suite, an NYU college kid's apartment. The people here look older, too old to be hanging out with a sixteen year old like Maya. But I bet they don't know she's that young. I wouldn't have guessed it, seeing her curves.

"Oh thank god." Josh grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. I've never been that close with the eldest Matthews, but he holds me like I'm his knight in shining whatever.

Maya's sitting down at a table in the center of the room, plopped down directly between two guys, one in an NYU sweatshirt, the other half naked. She's holding cards and smirks when she sees me. "Huckleberry!" She waves, actually waves. Fuck she's drunk.

"Jesus Christ, how much did she have to drink?" I ask.

"Beats me. I was watching her, but she slipped away and—"

I leave the conversation before I pummel him and head straight for Maya. She hasn't taken her eyes off me since I walked in and her cheeks are tinted pink from the heat of alcohol.

"Stand up," I say, no room for compromise in my voice.

"Aw, don't be a lame-o, Hee-Haw. We're playing strip poker, it's fun. Youuuuu should join," she drawls, tempting me. And she stands, the way I asked her to, only to pull me down by the belt around my waist into the chair and sit down on my lap.


"Ranger Rick," she mimics my exhausted tone. "Come on, live a little."

"Where are your shoes?" I ask. Her bare feet are swinging above the ground, no heels, no socks.

She shrugs and says, "I lost that hand," then leans in close and adds, "I'm not wearing my bra either."

The way she says it, sexy, slow, makes me hyper aware of her ass on my thighs. I call her Pancake, but I realize how completely wrong that nickname is when I bounce my leg a little. Nope, nothing flat about it. And I mean, it's one thing to have her sitting on my lap, but it's another to have her talking to me like she's in my bed, naked, practicing the art of seduction.

"Alright, well you're done. Getup, lets go."

"Why do you always have to be such a Huckleberry?"

I groan. "Stop doing that Maya."

She frowns, bottom lip jutting out. "Calling you Huckleberry?"

"No, that thing with your hips." She's moving them, grinning them against me in a way where she obviously knows what she's doing and the effect it would have on any red-blooded male. "I'm taking you to Riley's."

"No way, I can't leave now. I'm winning. Look at Mr. Abs over here," she taps the kid without a shirt in the chair beside us. He captures her hand and is about to lower it to the top of his pants when I grab her wrist and jerk it back. Hell. This is so not the place for her, for either of us to be.

"That's it," I start, rising from my seat. The girl can't be over ninety pounds, so it's easy to host her up and use my shoulder to lift her body up and over my back. Her tiny fists beat against my spine, but I keep moving, my hands high up on her upper thighs.

"Need any help with her?" Josh asks, concerned. "I'm sorry, I really tried to get her under control."

"I am under control!" Maya snaps.

"I got her. Thanks."

"Hear that Uncle Boing? He's got me," Maya teases and slaps my butt. I spank her on the ass in the same way and she yelps before admitting, "My, my, cowboy. I didn't think you had it in you."

When I set her down in the street, she's dizzy. It's clear from the way her feet line up on the side walk, staggering left, left, and more left, almost into a pole. I take her hand and lead her in the direction of Riley's house before stopping and making a left turn toward Maya's instead. If the Matthew's see her drunk, Maya will get backlash for it and as much as I want her to have repercussions, I don't want her to hate me. Katy works late on the weekends anyway so she won't be home till at least one.

"Hey Cowboy?" Maya moans.


She bats her eyelashes. "Can you carry me?"

"Before I have to drag you, kicking and screaming, and now you want to be carried? No."

"Oh, please, pretty please," she puts her hand on my upper bicep, clutching it tighter than I would have expected. She adds, "Lucas," to sweeten the deal and that's it. I'm a goner.

I scoop her up, getting an arm under the fold of her knees.

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