Phoenix Drop

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It had just turned night i saw a big wall and a lot of houses behind it, when i walked in i saw a guard he asked me what was i doing there and i told him that i was looking for Laurence then he asked me if i worked for the shadow lord and then i answered him if i worked for the shadow lord i would have already killed you. 

after talking for a while he told me his name was garroth after that he took me to the lord of Phoenix drop then i saw that the lord was actually a woman i have never seen a woman become a lord and i told her everything and got surprised that Laurance had family that cared about him and that she actually knew Laurance because he was one of her guards.

after talking for a while she told me that i could actually stay at her house, i don't know how she trusted me that fast so i decided to ask her and she told me that any family of her guards was part of her family 2 then she escorted me to one of her empty rooms and told me to wait until it was the right tome to tell Laurance that i was his sister and that he looked different now we both said good night and went to sleep.

in my sleeping i had a dream and i saw a guy with black hair and blue eyes and he was down the aisle and the scene was like in the wedding and that was it because then someone woke me up and the dream ended i didn't know what happened next.      

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