Stripper life

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Sweets pov

A week later

When I woke up i wasn't feeling good. I got up and walked to the bathroom . I sat down in front of the toilet and started to throwing up ."God please No"I said while I got off my knees and sat on the toilet seat. I had to go to walmart to buy a pregnancy tests. I got dressed with no hesitation and went right to Walmart. When I got back to the motel I took the test right away. I waited for a while to see if it was positive or not , when I looked at it didn't say anything so I left it to go get some water . When I came back it had a plus on it , we'll I guess I'm pregnant. I cryed until I fell asleep when I woke up it was around 10 o'clock. I got up and put on my adidas track suit and left to go to the strip club.

owner pov

When I saw sweets she looked good. That track suit fit her so good. She slowly walked towards me and pulled towards the door. She looked at me for a while and started to cry . I tryed to huge her but she pushed me away . I asked her what was the matter she said she was pregnant.I was shocked at the moment, I laughed asked her if she was lying knowing dam as well she was . She turned around and started walking away I called her back and she came . I took her inside to the bar to have a seat and take about the whole situation. We talked for awhile .She was tell me that she is going to need support to take care of the child, but I don't have to time of day to do that . When I said that she started to cry it made me feel bad about myself for what I did but then again I'm going to having a stripper as a baby mother .

Sweets pov

I should have an abortion bacause he's not going to support me and I can't even take care of myself much less a child .I have a family nor close friends I'm just all lonely, nobody to loves or care about me.

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