Stripper life

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A year later
"Happy birthday to my baby's " I said while putting a slice of cake in front of them. While they digging into the cake me and shaddae took pictures of them. Since they were only turning one there was no need to have a big party. Me and Shaddae is still living together in the apartment. Our friendship is still growing strong. Were trying to move out of this apartment very soon.

Weeks later
Sweets: "Shaddae we have enough " I said waking her up
Shaddae:"what are you talking about" she said wiping her eyes
Sweets:" enough to move "
She sat up quick
Shaddae "you dead ass"
Sweets:"why would I lie about something like this "

She jumped off the bed and started dancing. I jumped on her from the bed and we fell I look her in her eyes for a moment then she pulled me into kiss her. I pulled away from the kiss and took off my shirt.

Shaddae:"are you sure"
Sweets:"yes baby I am"
Once I said that she tore off my clothes and brought me to the bed. She brushed the money of the bed and put me on the bed. She spread my legs and smiled...

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