Born Of The Same Star

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"I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we are born of the same star."

I swear that I have loved you even before we met, even before I laid eyes on you, even before we could talk. I feel like I've known you even when I possibly couldn't. I feel like some part of me, my heart, my soul, knew we were meant to be even before we met, and I started loving you from birth. Maybe we were born of the same star. Maybe before we happened, before we came down to earth from the speck of stardust we originated from, we were together in the same star. And when we parted our ways to earth, one sooner then the other, a part of our souls wanted to reunite. We had to find each other again. So now we are here, and I'm loving you like I always have. From the beginning, I have loved you and I know you have loved me from the beginning of everything. Because maybe, we were born of the same star"

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