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After the principal had begun the battle I saw the other group fighting, but Hisako was just standing, frozen.  Tabor took this as a great chance to use the Realm Room, switching it to a forest, populated by more trees than anything else.  Since Hisako is part of our team, we automatically get to go with her wherever she is fighting.  Once she had come back to reality, she stiffened up and was ready to fight.  Tabor smiled and Hisako didn't even care.  I saw a knife appear in her hand,  she was ready.  Tabor held a flame, a small flame in his palm,  he was too conceited. A grin had set itself on his face.  

   The two fought, Hisako was losing, her hands were a bit bloody and you could see her dress was ripped and burnt from Tabor attacks.  Hisako was making violent attacks towards Tabor.  Hisako had just about hit Tabor when her eyes flickered with a feeling I can't even define. We all heard whistling, it was "Yankee Doodle", which wasn't a song that fit the timing.  Hisako fell, her face was still frozen, her eyes seemed to have had changed entirely.  We all looked at Tabor but he looked off into the forest, hearing the whistling too.  We all looked over to find a boy, a little older than us, his hair was a mix, the ends were red and it slowly became white on the top.  His swaying bangs covered his eyes,  The whistling continued to descend from his mouth.  

"No, it c-can't be, you should be dead."  Hisako said, it was almost a whisper.

"Oh Hisako, that blast did almost nothing to me.  Well, it did do one thing....., make me stronger."  He replied almost automatically after she had said her surprised words.  He was enjoying her fearful and painful memories as they were flashing with them.  He took his hood off, exposing the rest of his hair and finally his eyes as his head lifted skywards.  As if they were something from a fantasy world(as if where we are isn't), there was no white, no pupil, no color, just the darkness, entering our own eyes, which were sensing something odd from this kid.  Not the good kind of odd either.

His other eye was covered with an eye-patch, the kind you make with a couple of bandages that wrap around your head.

"I'll show you just how strong and powerful I am Hisako."  He said.  That was the last few words that one of Tabor's teammates heard.  A girl from there group collapsed, her eyes bloodshot.  She was shaking violently, and I couldn't help.  Nobody could.  She was done for. she soon went limp just as the boy had looked over at her, his smile gleaming with pride. 

"You monster!  What did you need to prove? Huh!?  What did Hisako and that girl ever do to you!"  I scream, ready to fight this guy.

"Well it's a long story.  I'll shorten it though.  I'm Ametsuchi.  Hisako and I lived in the same village. After sometime Hisako was accepted to your little academy here and I wasn't.  So I fought with Hisako.  Let's just say the battle didn't end right." Ametsuchi said with ease.  

"That's not how any of that went Ametsuchi!  You just put the story in reverse so it was to your favor.  That's not even how it happened."  Hisako yelled.

"Really Hisako, you knew how everything would end up, you even knew how our village would fly into flames.  Didn't you?" Ametsuchi argued back.

That has nothing to do with this now Amet, so just go back and leave, I won't allow you to be here. You don't belong." Hisako was crossing her arms, her face building with fiery hate.

"So you're going to disown me Hisako.  Just leave to die on the streets.  Am I correct......sister?"

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