Chapter 1: Plot

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I was getting ready for school. Trying to find an outfit to wear. I never use to care about what I wore but everything... you know changed. I was different now. I wanted that girl to be gone. The girl who never use to wear makeup. The girl who didn't care about what people thought of her. The girl who was a nobody.

That girl is gone.

I wanted nothing to remain of her. As far as everyone knows I was never that girl.

I liked it that way.

After ten minutes of looking for an outfit I finally find one. I grab my new Micheal Kors bag and head down stairs. I was glad when my parents decided to move into a new house. That house was where it happened.

Since both of there careers have taken off we have so much more money. My dad was a big lawyer and my mom was a famous fashion designer.

The day I came home and told her I wanted to change and be more fashion forward like her she has loved me more. I was finally the daughter she's always wanted. I still don't understand why we moved into this big house. It was only the three of us sadly. It gets lonely sometimes.

I sometimes miss the days when I was the old me. The girl who use to be best friends with Jake Myers. Spend every day at each other houses doing crazy things like sneaking into the movies because our parents could never take us since they were so "busy". Or the time when we got caught sneaking into Mrs. Parker's backward and got in trouble. I smile at the memory.

I missed him.

I miss us.

If it wasn't for his brother we would still be friends. What he did to me still keeps me up at night. I hated him. Just the thought of him makes me want to punch the wall and cry.

When I get downstairs I see my mom making breakfast and my dad drinking coffee reading a file. Probably for the next case he's working on. When he sees me he smiles.

"Good Morning." He greets me.

"Morning." I say sitting across from him while my mom puts breakfast on the table. Even though I wasn't that hungry I start eating anyways. Not wanting to hear my mom complaining. She sits right next to me.

"Amaya we need to talk to you." My mom says seriously. What now? Bad enough I had to spend the holidays with her complaining about everything I do.

"About?" I ask curiously. What does she need to talk to me about? I've been a good child and done everything she asks me to do. I make straight A's. What more could she want from me?

"You remember Jake right?" How could I forget. We were best friends for eight years before everything happened.

Before he happened.

"What about him?" I look at both my parents. They looked like they were scared to tell me something. Oh Lord.

"I know I should've told you earlier but I just didn't know how to tell you or how you would react."

"What your mother is trying to say is that Jake will be living with us for a while." My dad says easily.

This could not be happening.

"I offered for him to stay here. Since the divorce happened his mom has been out of control. She been drinking and I know that Jake doesn't want to live with his cheating father so he's going to live with us. He needs to be in a stable home. I hope you understand."

I understand why my mom was doing this. She never grew up in a stable house. She didn't live in a big house. So she knew what he was going through and she wanted to help. I felt so bad. I could've been there for him but I pushed him away.

I wanted to slap myself. "I understand."

"Thank you. Well his flight lands at six. You need to pick him up and show him to his room. He will be living in the room next to yours. He also starts school on Tuesday. Please show him around and be nice."

I knew whether I liked it or not my rapist brother is going to be living with us.

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