Who are you?

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Hey! I was supposed to wait a while and do a few more chapters before I publish the first one but I just got so exited!! Haha, I hope you like it.please leave your opinion and also follow me and like this if you enjoyed!
Bye bye for now-Birdy
Huh? Who are you? Why did you open this? Woah woah woah, let me get this straight with you. I. don't. Know. You... Okay? No one asked you to peek your noes into my business, now did I? How would you like it if someone just appeared in your life?

Why don't you just close this right now? Leave me be! This is my little dark world, i'v never known anything else than this darkness.

Hmm? PARDON? Oh, I can't understand what you are saying. Wait, I think I can sense what you're saying though. You want to know if I like it here... Alone in the dark. Well you see, I've never known anything but these dark pages, I'm the only one who's even here. I can't wish for anything else because all I've ever known is... Nothing.

Although, I HAVE to admit... The light you're casting in my world is rather nice,even as you're reading this, the stark blacks of the letters are taking shape, turning into a home for me to live in.

Hmm, maybe you can stay for a while. Maybe I'll enjoy this feeling of the light with you, just a little longer.

Well, I guess if you keep reading the world just keeps.... Forming...

Green grass sprouts from the White that was my 'ground', it's kind of soft.. I guess? Oh man, is this what I've been missing?! It's fantastic! How come you didn't come here sooner!! Oh, I mean this is all nice and all. Thanks.

Soooo, what's your name? Uh, I still can't hear you, everything's still very muffled but I can still understand you, if that makes any sense. Anyway, that's a cool name, I like it. What's my name? Oh that doesn't matter. Hey, can we go into the house? I wanna know what's inside.

I place my hand on the cold steel of the door knob and pull on it. IT'S NOT OPENING! Suddenly I hear your page muted voice thinning through. Oh... You PUSH the door. It's nice in he- woah! Are you trying to kill me?!? Why would you leave this in the middle of the floor like that?! I lean down and snatch up a golden hoop with silver attached to it.
What's this?
I shake it slightly and it jingles together.
Haha! It's a nice sound, I like it. I drop it down onto the light wooden counter where it jingles but dull stops when it hits the surface.

Knock knock.

Ah! Who's there? I'm scared. NO! I'm not answering it... Fine.

What do I do?! Wait, is this how I can talk to you too? By thinking? Can you even hear me? Even though there is so much between us I can still sense what you say, okay I'm fine as long as you can hear me.
"Who are you?"
"Haha, I'm Jessica! I'm here to offer you a once in a lifetime deal! Did you know that if you buy thi-"

I hear Jessica's voice dull as I daydream off and it feels like several minutes before her chipper voice stopped.

"So are you interested?"
What do I say?
"Yea, sorry but no. I'm not interested."

I look past Jessica's shoulder and what I see amazed me. Oh my gosh, you did this!  I love it, there are trees just everywhere, oh look there's a lake over there! And loo- wait, where's Jessica gone? I quickly leap outside but the moment my feet graze the ground, it cracks.

What's happening! Wait, I can't hear you... What's happening!?! Ahh! I drop to my knees and wrap my hands over my ears. it hurts!

Suddenly everything feels airy and I open my eyes cautiously.
"Wha-" my voice echoes around... Nothing.

Did you close the book? Everything is dark again, this is kind of what it was like before you opened the book. Who am I even talking to? You aren't here are you? You left me.

Wait. There's something over there! I run quickly my feet thudding against the black abyss. As I slow down something comes into clear view, is that you? It looks like a human, from here anyway. I slowly trod towards it, now I'm embarrassed to admit I was disappointed when it wasn't you who were stood there but what WAS there was beautiful enough. It was a row of rocks, all different sizes and shapes.

How is that beautiful?
It's beautiful because if you stand in front of the rocks so they line up, it looks like a human! But, if you stand at the side of them, they just look like oddly shaped and placed rocks. I lean out and touch the first one and my entire 'world' goes blank.. The only thing I can see is something that looks like a rip in paper.

YOUR VOICE! Finally ,you're back... And you were worried about me?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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