Chapter 3

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Do you like Rena?

The words flooded my mind, and they wouldn't go away.

Do you like Rena?

Do you like Rena?

"RIN!" I heard Yukio yell breaking my train of thought.

"What?" I replied.

"Do you like Rena?"

"Of course I do she is a great friend."

"No, I mean do you like her more than a friend?"

I stayed silent.

"I don't know Yukio." I said for a response.

"Well you better figure it out soon, or I'll have to do a few tests." Yukio said.

"TEST! Yukio I hate school anyway, why are you making me do more it is like you want me to die!"

"No, you Idiot! I mean other tests, like laboratory tests."


"You'll find out if you don't decide if you like her or not." Yukio said before lifting Rena on the bed.

"Goodnight Rin." Yukio said before quietly closing the door.

Okay so Rena was passed out, she is a demon, and I hav to figure out if I like her or not.

Crap! Why was life so hard.

I turned off the lamp and decided to try and go to sleep. I actually got to sleep like an hour later, just because I was thinking about Yukio's and my coversation.

I didn't have a dream I could remember last night though.

I woke up to Rena who was shaking me to wake up.

"Rin come on! I am so bored and we only have like 5 minutes until we are late, you know." She said looking at me with her big, beautiful blue eyes.

"Got it." I sat before sitting up.

I took the blankets off of me and stood up.

Rena was already dressed in her uniform, and her shirt that she was wearing last night was all stitched up like nothing ever happened.

I went to the drawers to get my uniform that I was going to wear today, but it wasn't there.

"Uh Rena, I know this is a weird question but have you seen my uniform?" I asked.

When I turn around I see Rena holding my uniform and smiling.

"I ironed it too!" She said starting to giggle.

She kept giggling and she started to laugh really loud.

"Um thanks. Are you alright?" I asked taking the clothes.

"Fine, never better." She said grabbing her bag, and her sword and she skipped out of the room.

"That was weird." I said starting to get undressed. I put on my uniform and grabbed my sword, and bag, and left the room closing the door behind me.

I went downstairs to find Yukio, and Rena sitting down eating breakfast already. They both had eggs, and some water.

"Rin, come and sit down. Oh wait you can't because we'll be late. Now I am going to the Academy so I can get a jump start on my teaching." Yukio said before getting up and going to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

I went down to the table and sat down, where Yukio was sitting. Rin was looking at me with an egg in her mouth. She swallowed and drank some water before talking to me again.

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