Where The Wild Ones Are (Black Veil Brides- Legion Of The Black Fanfiction)

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 Chapter One

I am a Wild One. Simple as that, right?


It’s not that easy, you know. Being a wild one?  Constantly hiding from The Shadows, living in the scorching hot desert. We succeeded once, in killing The Shadows. We had leaders, they came when The Prophet (A/N: a.k.a. Andy) found one of ours. She was dead, killed by The Shadows. After her funeral, The Prophet and his group- they called themselves the Black Veil Brides- formed an army and together, we won.

The peace was short lived, for The Shadows came back, and once again ruled over us. Once in a while, a brave one will wander out, but mostly, we never see them again. Today, I am that brave one.  I wanted to see what it was like out there. Of course I knew I may not make it back but it wasn’t like I was anything important was going on here.

Early in the morning, I set off.

A/N: well what do you think? Right now im calling out to all of my black veil brides army soldiers!! If you loved the movie, please read and comment, thanks :D

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