Background Information

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So this is just a little information about the time in this story.

It's senior year of high school.

Maya and Lucas are dating on and off constantly. They have little fights every once in a while but they always get over it.

Maya and Riley are still best friends. They talk a lot but not as much as middle school because of stress, school, family and of course boys.

Farkle and Lucas don't really talk. Let's just say high school changed them. Farkle is more of a nerd and Lucas fits in with the jocks.

Farkle spends most of his time with Riley and occasionally Maya. Lucas is either with Maya or when they are fighting he's with Zay.

Auggie and Ava have been married for 56 years now (i think) because they would be about 10/11.

Cory and Topanga are litterally still goals. And they are still perfect according to Riley.

Riley and Farkle. Well. That's what this story is about.

And that just about covers everything. And by the way not all these pairings will be talked about in depth. Only Riarkle will be in depth because of the title.

Hope you like the story. Check me out on instagram @/ lucayasriarkle :-)

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