Dragon Slayers

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Natsu's pov

"Wha!" Wendy said looking at me in disbelief

"It's true,we have to find this Tatsu girl" I said

"Maybe other dragon slayers could help" Wendy said

Couple of minutes later

"Iron breath" I said looking at Gajeel

Gajeel was eating iron and Levy was throwing books at him. He looked over at me

"What do you want fire breath,geehee" he said

That laugh

"I may know something about your Metalicana" I said and Gajeel looked over to me

"Come on shrimp" he said picking her up while walking over to me

Levy wasn't enjoying that.

"What do you know about Metalicana"

Time skip

Levys pov

We had all the dragon slayers

Rogue,Natsu,Sting,Gajeel and Wendy. We also had Erza,Yukino,Gray and me.
(And exceeds)

We decided to stay in a hotel. We all where forming a plan.

Tatsu's pov

"Hello Metalicana and Igneel" I said

"Child why have you came?"Grandeeney said

" First of all I'm not a child second treat me with respect and third of all The slayers there getting to close I have came up with a plan to side tract till its time to come"I said

"And your plan is"Igneel asked

And you reviled your plan

Plan in action

I was walking about. Close to the hotel the dragon slayers are,I knew where they where.

I went into the shadows waiting,for them to come out. Finally they started to come out perfect.

I walked out and walked right by them,they didn't notice my at first. But Wendy she noticed me and Told Natsu and the plan went into action.

I kept walking I could here them following me,I continued walking. Till I suddenly spin around coming face to face with them.

" its not nice to stalk someone " I said coldly

"Well..um...we want answers" Natsu said

"Well if you want answers...you got to find me" I said quickly disappearing onto a roof

I kept going from roof to roof and  they kept following me till I let them catch up. I turned around and sighed

"Fine,if your that desperate"

I led them to a forest

" I will only give a brief description of this whole thing"I said

The whispers of the forest came and each slayer heard the same thing

"Do not freet for this is your journey"

They seemed to understand. I knew they all had that same dream so I did the final part of my plan.

"The answers will come be patient, till we meet again" and I was gone

I knew they where gonna try to get more from the forest but the forest will not tell,its just trees and leaves..for know.

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