Ding, Dong, Ditch part III

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For the past five minutes, I've stood here and watched these two niglets fuss and argue. It was entertaining at first, but one glance at Craig and his face read it all. He was un-impressed. It was like he was saying, 'See I knew these dumb asses couldn't do it...'.

It was a harmless little prank that everyone has been playing for centuries. You can't sit there and tell me, you've never played 'Ding, Dong, Ditch' before...because that's bullshit. I don't know why Prod acting all brand new. Like he's the goody two shoes and shit. He always get his way, everybody just freakin' adores him. He can be a bad ass too, you know. I'm not the only screw up.

So, to wipe that stupid little smirk off his face I shouted, "F*ck it, I'll go." Deciding to take matters into my hands, I walked up towards the curb in front of the house. I heard Prince's voice call out, "Ray wait!"

I stopped at the curb, just looking over the house itself. The owner of the residence is named Ms. Winberrie...

Yes, Winberrie

"Ray stop!" I heard his feet hitting the pavement hard as he came sprinting over to me. "Hold on, man" he said trying to catch his breath for a moment. "Little tired there, buddy?" I joked. He shook his head. I chuckled in return, "Prince, I got this"

He looked at me, "I don't really think this is a good idea anymore.." he sighed. I kept my eyes glued to the house. Then my mind wondered off and landed on a very scary topic.....The Great Danes...

Ohh, shit.."I got this, man"

No I don't...

"Ray, Prod was right, man. We could get hurt from this"

Yes...Yes, sadly he was right. But, I will not let him get the best of me. I hated when he was right. I wanted to be 'on top' and 'important' for once. I'm tired of being under my brother's shadow. I can't let him know that, this was a very dangerous idea and I'm in way over my head....so that's why I'm doing what I'm doing.

I sighed, "Look, I got this, alright?" I lied. Honestly on the inside, I'm rethinking this the more I look at the building itself. It was a nice size house but, the longer I stared at it...it became creepy looking. Sick, twisted, and vein.

Like it was too perfect of a house. Especially, if there's only one person living there and she's all by herself. Not to mention, she's very old and very quiet. Creepy quiet. Like, she got a bunch of porcelain dolls with weird eyes that follow you, everywhere.

"Rayshaun please don't do th-" Without hearing his plea, I sprinted across the lawn to the front door. I turned to see Prince groan in defeat. Roc and Prod our watching all the way my lawn. Prod still had that 'He not gonna do it' smug look on his face. Chres only looked bored but I knew he was watching intensively.

I turned back around and gulped. Whew, this is a big door..I thought.

Just imagine how big them dogs are...

"Awe f*ck, what I am doing?'' I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes and slowly breathed in and out. In and out. In and out...In and ou-

"DON'T DO IT RAY! COME BACK!" Prince screamed across the lawn. I quickly did a 360 spin on him. Has he lost his damn mind?

"SHH! She might hear us!!" I whisper/yelled back. He reluctantly just crossed his arms over his chest. I turned back around groaning and rolling my eyes. I swallowed hard and slowly lifted my hand. I held my breath and quickly knocked three times on the big wooden door.

A few moments later I heard loud barking by the door. Which made me jump. In the windows downstairs, I can see figures moving in the light, "Shoo! Shoo! I have guest!" her old fragile voice shouted. Followed by more loud, obnoxious barking.

I dashed for a tree right on the side of her house and hid behind it. I started breathing hard. I looked back at the guys but....they weren't there anymore. Where'd they go? And why the hell did they leave me? "Awe f*ck!" I said silently.

As I hid, I heard the front door opening and then closing. I held my breath for some reason. I then heard deep, subtle growling behind me. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I'm so nervous, my hands are shaking. Couple minutes go by and the growling stops, "Hm, must've had the wrong house..." she said to herself.

"C'mon Xerxes, Kli, O, Otis , Aidan, come on in now!" Ms. Winberrie shouted. You have no idea how fast my heart beat is going right now. I heard slight barking and muffled whining coming from the dogs then....complete silence.

I let out a breath. Whew, that was close..


I slowly re-open my eyes and sit back against the tree. I furrowed my brow...hopefully all of the dogs went inside the house, right? Just to be sure and because 'curiosity kill the cat', I turn my head to be greeted with a very large and heavy looking Great Dane with grey fur. It had a red velvet collar wrapped around his neck. It read...


"Oh shit" I breathed out. This damn dog was HUGE. "Good Xerxes, good boy" I cooed as I slowly crawled away from him. He moved in closer with every step I made. "Good Xerxes, good boy..?" His growling got more vicious. I shook my head, "Please don't kill me.." I begged. Out of nowhere, he started barking in my face, bearing his very sharp teeth at me.

That made my heart jump right out my chest. I put my hand out to pet it, because you know...if you're nice to an deranged animal, then you're let off the hook. But once I reached out, he snapped his jaws at me. I gasped and took back my hand.

"Okay, maybe I should start running.." I got up in a swift second and started running.



I felt someone pull me down and there's a lot of weight on me. "What the..?" I looked down at my chest and noticed a lot of hair. Curly hair. It was tickling my chin. Then something under me started moving. Wait, I'm on top of someone? What the hell is going on?

I looked around for Xerxes...oh thank god he's gone. I started to move but, whoever was on top of me, was still on top. "Ugh, get off me" I moaned in pain. Knocking me down to the ground really took a toll on my back. The curly hair moved and I saw who it was.


His big brown eyes looked up into mine. The had a slight look of fear in them, "Whew, that was close" he sighed. I scoffed, "Half negro, get off me, please?"

He climbed off of me and helped me up. I then took a chance to see who I was on top off (pause).

....Craig jr, himself. In the flesh.

He groaned sitting up rubbing the back of his neck. I scrunched up my face, "The hell was y'all doing? I told you, I got this." Prince smacked his lips, "Bitch, please. That damn dog was gonna murder.death.KILL yo' ass. Be glad we got here in time"

"Yeah, bro" Craig added, "You know how much trouble I would be in for letting you get killed?"

I scoffed "Whatever. Where was y'all when I ran, huh?"

Prince ran his fingers through his thick curls, biting his bottom lip. I stared at him, "We were hiding cuz you know..'the game'" he mocked me. "Well where's Roc?"

As if on cue, Chres came running up to us, out of breath, "Man, that was.one.strong.doggy." I chuckled. "Thanks guys, I ain't never gettin' no dog when I'm older"

"Same" the rest laughed in unison. I smiled

".....Then I suggest you get the hell off my lawn.." a old weary voice spoke, clicking something and placing it to the back of my head.

We all froze.


Hey guys, next part coming up soon!

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