Chapter 1 The Project

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It was another day of work and I was sitting in my office thinking about how I was goon to impress my boss on my next big project and if I don't do a good on this project this year my career of being a scientist is over. "What am I going to do," I say out loud right when my boss walks in and responds to my actions with a glare, "so Christopher your big prioject is coming up in a week I hope you have something planed and it better be good this time or you know what will happened, now good day to you and good luck," what am I going to do? I have known about this for months and still don't know what to do. It is now 6:00 p.m and I have another 30 minutes left of work so I guess I'll have to stay late tonight to figure something out.
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      Later at work that night I step into my bosses office just to get an idea of something I could do for my project, when I spot this little bottle that contained some shining red liquid that definitely wasn't blood, it was more of a jell and gloppy. I thought his looked interesting so I grabbed a test tube from my office and put a tiny drop in it so that the boss hopefully wouldn't notice I took any of it. So then I walked to my office when I spotted that my boss was still here and he was approaching me. I put the test tube in my jacket in hopes that he wouldn't see but I was to late, "hey what was that you just put in your pocket" oh it was nothing really just a project I as working on and you know I didn't want you to see it because that would ruin my surprise and you wouldn't get the full effect when you actually see it on the final date you know "oh no I see I'm looking forward I this years project if yours and my expectations are high this year for your project, I'll be in my way have a safe ride home". Now that that was over I could finally see what this mystery substance was  that I was holding.
      Getting into my lab I immediately go to my analyzing table that would tell me all the ingredients that were used to make this so I can make more and figure out what it is that I have. After hours of it analyzing I find the results but nothing shows up so I think this never usually happens to me what is so unique about this substance.
     I go home after a long day of work to a nice hot shower and some new cereal I got from the market And then go strait to bed exhausted from all the work. That night I dream of what I could creat with this substance I dream of maybe flying through the sky like a graceful eagle? or bad things like horrifying monsters that hunt you down and eat you, and also friendly monsters.
Beep Beep Beep as the alarm clock goes off and I look at the time and realize I'm late for work. Oh no this is bad what am I going to say maybes just say I over slept because I stayed up working all night ya maybe that will work then that means no breakfast let's go. Arriving at work was a hassle because if all the traffic and when I got. There everyone was on me because I was late but my boss didn't seem to mind I wonder what is up with him lately. Hmm. Going into my office is see the strange red substance has gotten every where which was  bad and I had to clean it up and it got all over my hands. Ughhh why me why always me," I say out loud to myself. Since I didn't get any break fast today I decided to make myself some coffee to fully wake up. My boss walks into the employees lounge and says " if you could it would be a pleasure if you could make me a coffee and bring it to my office". Ya sure right a way wait now that I think about it you can have this one. As I was making my coffee I realized I forgot to wash my hands after cleaning up oh no and the boss has already drank all if his I hope it didn't hurt him. Maybe I should go check in him to make sure though. Walking into his office I notice that something isn't right the tables for meetings to are right are covered in     something weird and it looked slimy almost, then I noticed it was everywhere and right in the center was my boss I knew it was him but I didn't look so much like him anymore his skin was coming off and all the muscle were showing and his face looked almost decade. He was steaming. Oh no what have u done?! What is going on in this room?

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