chapter four

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alright I found a name for the main guy thanks to 'rrwp556'. and don't worry I will use a bunch of all the other names to for the rest of the people. thx for all the help though.


(Castor's p.o.v)

I decided that the best way to protect Jess was to be around her all the time. so for the the first tome in a long time I was going to high school, on my own call.

I got dressed my usual way. black t-shirt. black jeans. leather jacket and my classic combat boots that where halfway untied and really dirty and old looking. I spiked up the front of my short black hair and put on my aviators.

when I pulled up to the high school like usual everyones eyes went to me in my Camaro. they couldn't even see me through the heavy tinted windows. and yet the guys where all pulling there 'girls' into there sides. them I stepped out of the car I nearly laughed as I popped my callor up to my leather jacket as I walked towards the school. all the girls looked at me in awe and the guy looked at me like if I talked to them I would die or something.

I kept walking past all the death glares until I heard her voice. she was talking to someone. I noticed that I stopped right infront of the doors and could since everyone staring at me but I didn't care. I was to focused on Jess's voice to care.

I couldn't help but smile when I heard her talk. when I snapped back to reality I quickly walked into the school still following the sound of her voice. I was about to turn he corner when the bell rang and everyone filled the halls.

when I finally did turn the corner I saw her walking away to 'our' home room with that girl she walked to school with. not completely stalking her as much as protecting her. I walked to my locker and the second bell rang leaving me alone in the hallways. I took everything I had not to stick my nose to her locker and inhale her perfect scent. which was right next to mine.

I waited five minutes before walking to class for my big entrance to a new school. I slowly openned the door and all eyes went to me. well everyone except Jess.

"well you must be our new student, Castor H. isn't it" said the middle aged teacher and I just nod as I shut the door behind me. "my name is Mr. James. and might I ask what the H. stands for". I think you would rather not want to know". I know that I got weird stares from everyone. but it is true. he wouldn't like it if he knew.

"ok then, take your seat" Mr. James said to me pointing to the seat right next to Jess. she sat in the opposite corner of the door in the room, next to the window just staring out of it like her life would be taken from her if she looked away. she finally looked up at me when I sat down next to her. and I saw a tears in her eyes trying not to fall out.

it was killing me not to speed over to her and hold her so close to me that she would feel safe. but I had to keep my distance until I could control myself enough around her. I kept looking over at her trying not to get caught by anyone. but I couldn't help it. she looked so broken and I couldn't help but brake a little more every time I looked at her.

Jess looked straight down into her lap and I small tear rolled of her face and landed on the ground everyother ten seconds. I zoned out the teacher listening to her tears hit the ground before I was snapped out of it when the bell rang.

I waited a couple seconds before getting up and started walking to the door. I was about to step out of the class room before I was nearly knocked to the ground by a nerdy looking looking guy running into the class and then over to Jess. he grabbed her hand and that made me flinch a little that someone else was holding the hand of my love. I felt my teeth become sharper and I had to get away before I lost control.

I turned away from the door a bit to quickly receiving strange looks from the people around me. even from a few teachers. I walked out of the front door of the school and all the people in the school where looking at me. I walked over to my Camaro and openned the door. I sat in the drivers seat with the door openned and pulled out my phone to call my brother.

(a/n C.A is Castor and C.O is Cole)

C.A- hey. I need help

C.O- with what. is high school to hard for my baby brother.

C.A- not funny Cole. I need help controlling myself around her. I almost snapped.

C.O- okay. okay. I'm on my way just wait outside for me.

I hung up the phone and stepped out of the car. I shut the door behind me and just leaned against it waiting for my twin to get here. it felt weird calling him my twin because we looked nothing alike. he had the same hair style as me but his hair was light brown and he wasn't as gothic looking as me. we wore colors and I drived me crazy because we where supposed to stay on the down low.

I waited for five minutes until my brother finally pulled up in his Camaro. yup that's right. we had the exact same cars. not a thing different about them. he parked in the empty parking spot right next to my car. when he stepped out I could her the teens in the school gasping as he got out of the car.


sorry it took so long to update. major wifi problem. but hope you enjoyed the new chapter the next one is coming out soon.







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