chapter five

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(Jess's p.o.v)

I kept looking down in my lap trying not to burst out in tears the entire time in class. I knew the new kid was watching me. his eyes where burning holes all the way through me. when the bell finally rang he waiting a couple seconds before actually getting up and leaving. Blake, my all time best friend came running into the class room running into the new kid then running over to me.

"Jess are you okay" he asked me as he tried to pry me hands from the corner of the desk I was holding onto. I was holding onto it so tight that my knuckles where turning white. when I finally let go he pulled me into a hug and helped me out of the room and to the benches outside. and there was Kate waiting for us like always.

"what happen" Kate pulled me out of Blake's arms and gave me a tight hug. she obviously knew that I was crying. "nothing. I'm fine" I said back to Kate pulling away from her hug. "Jess. what happened" she said it seriously this time like she was going to know one way are another. I gave into her and pulled out my I phone. I pulled up the text I got right before class from a blocked phone number. I already knew it was j.j. who sent it. I handed my phone to Kate and she read the text out loud.

"you may have been saved by your guardian angle yesterday, but to day is going to be the worst day of your life. watch your back, you waste of space" after she read it Blake took the phone from her and reread he message in his head.

"Blake, give me my phone" I snatched it away from him and limped back towards the school. I kept my head down walking back into the school until I ran into some ones hard shoulder with mine. I looked up to see who I ran into and it was that new kid. I couldn't remember his name because I was zoned out durning class. I quickly mumbled sorry and looked back to see Blake coming after me. I turned away from Blake's direction and started quickly walking towards the library like I did everytime I felt bad/ sad/ or mad.

when I walked in the library I went straight behind the librarian's desk. she let me hide behind the desk whenever j.j. and his crew where after me or if I just wanted some alone time. and she only let me hide behind there because she felt sorry for me and we agreed that I would help her out in the library durning lunch. the only bad thing about right now was that the only person who knew I hid under the desk was the person I was trying to hide from. I pulled me knees to my chest when I heard Blake tell the librarian that he needed to talk to me and she walked away to go put some books back on a shelf.

"Jessie, please" he pulled me out from under the desk and picked me up bridal style. he walked us over to the couches that where at the corner of the library and sat down with me in his lap. "why won't you just let me help you" he asked looking my in the eyes.

'why won't you just let me help you'. it was one of the only questions he asked me ever since he found me in the park one day after school in fifth grade.

(flash back)

(no ones p.o.v)

Jess was sitting on the swing at the playground across from her elementary school trying to stop her nose bleed with her shirt sleeve. the sun was starting to set and she finally stopped crying when she saw someone walking towards her. she wasn't scared because she knew who it was already.

"Blake, what are you doing here. it's late, you should be at home" Jess asked him as he held out a wash cloth. "I knew you would be here" he said getting down on his knees in front of Jess, holding up her chin and carefully wiping away the blood from Jess's nose.

Blake handed Jess the wash cloth to hold it up to her nose and sat down on the bench next her. Jess didn't look at him instead she just looked down holding the cloth to her nose with one hand and holding onto the swings's chain with the other.

"why won't you just let me help you Jessie" he asked Jess. "because" is all she said back to him.

(end of flash back)

(Jess's p.o.v)

every time he asked me that question I never gave him a real answer. all I said was because. I was in deep though about that one night at the playground until Blake asked me again.

"and I want a straight answer. don't just say 'because'. I want the truth" he said to me a little to sternly for my shaking state. i stood up out of his lap and looked him dead in eyes. "the truth is... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt" I turned to walk away. but got stopped when two strong arms wrapped around my waist and I felt someones head rest on my shoulder.

"Jess. please. let me help you" he whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry Blake" I grabbed his hands that where locked together and pulled them apart, unwrapping his hands around my waist. I completely forgot we where in the school library until I heard some kids gossiping and a couple of I -phones making the snap sound meaning they where taking pictures.. I ran out the door not even looking back at Blake. I was done for the day. and just to my luck the second period classes where letting out so everyone was going to see me cry.

I couldn't wait to hear what they where going to turn into a picture of me crying and running out of the school. I can see it now. 'schools waist of space just got rejected 'again' and is going to go throw a fit'. I was to buisy worrying about what everyone else would think of me I forgot what was important. getting out of school safely.

just when I saw the front doors of the school I felt a foot infront of mine and I was going down, and hard. I stuck my hand out to stop my head from hitting the ground but it didn't help. it only made all the pain worst when I heard the bone snap in my wrist and felt my head bang against to ground. I felt light headed and black spots where blocking my vision. I heard the bell ring and everyone cleared the hallway but I caught a glimpse at j.j. and his crew smirking at me. before he turned to walk away he very forcefully kicked me in the side. and I completely passed out. from ever the lose of blood coming from my head or the pain in my now broken wrist.


yes I know she passed out twice already but the pain of being tripped AND snapping your wrist all at once is the worst pain anyone could ever go through. and I passed out when it happened to me.






as always I will edit later and update soon.

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