Chapter 1

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I think i'm just gonna upload a chapter everyday and I decided to use my friend's name but their personalities have nothing in common

And please don't forget to vote or comment.



*Chapter 1

For the tenth time already, I check the time on my cell phone and it was still 5:49 am. I let out a heavy sigh. Time was moving too slow and staring at it wasn't going to make it move any faster. Now that my eyes were wide open, I couldn't go back to sleep. In less than an hour I'm going to have to wake up and get ready for school and if I don't fall asleep soon, I know I'm going to spend the whole day trying to stay awake in class. Especially in trig.

Maybe I should just skip today, I thought, mom and dad would not even notice, they're too busy working to pay attention to what goes on in the house. But if I skip were would I go, stay home and sleep? Hmmm that sounds tempting. Even as tempting as that sounds, I already knew either way i was gonna end up going to school.

Jen would probably freak out if i didn't show up, I can already see her over exaggerating about it. The thought of it made me smile. As long as i can remember, Jen, my best friend, was always there for me, we've had a couple of fights but I think that's what made our friendship stronger over the years. Even though I'm only 8 months older than her, she's always been the big sister in our friendship and I the little sister. Ironic isn't it?

I turn on my side and check the time again. It was 6:11, okay time to get up. I got up and sat on the bed and stretch my body out, I felt a sharp pain in the mid of my back. I gritted my teeth and wince. Ugh I felt sore all over, This is what I get for over training. Slowly I got up and grab my towel and put on my slippers and went inside the bathroom. These are the times that I'm happy that i have my own bathroom, having privacy and no one interrupting me or knocking on my door was nice.

After done showering and getting dress and whatnot, I felt much better, more relax and refresh. Now I have to do my daily routine, which is waking up my little brother. Across the hall is his room, i went inside and i didn't bother knocking because i knew he was sleeping. I went by his side and look at him, he was only ten years old. He look so peaceful sleeping, like an angel he made you want to protect him. I love my brother all lot but he is just so annoying and gets on my nerves. He thinks I hate him but i deeply care for him......but he doesn't have to know.

"Kev, Kevin, wake up," I said shaking him. He murmured something and took the covers to cover his head.

"Kevin get up! You're gonna be late for school, idiot."

"Go away!" he said in a sleepy voice.

This was an everyday thing and i was getting tired of it, my patience was running thin. I certainly didn't have all day for this.

"Kevin! I swear if you don't get up this instant, I'm going to burn your Pokemon cards and pour a bucket of cold water on your head!" I said threatening him, and just like that he was up.

"Do you have to be so mean?" He said dryly.

"And do you have to be so hardheaded?" I said. "Brush your teeth, take a shower and put your clothes on, breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes"

After that being said I left and went downstairs in the kitchen. I didn't check if my parent were here cause i knew they left already. I open the fridge and look through it, trying to decide what to make for breakfast. It wasn't that hard deciding, I took out the eggs, hotdogs and pancakes mix. I boiled two eggs and made a pancake for Kevin. He likes those, you should see his face when he's eating, it's almost adorable, the little sucker.

He was already dress and seated at the table before I was done. He even did his hair.

"What are you staring?" he ask.

"Nothing much," I said, as I put the plate in front of him with a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks," he said, dragging out the s.

"Well hurry up and eat your food so you won't miss the school bus like you do almost every other day."

"You're not the boss of me," he whines.

I sighed, "As long as mom and dad are not here than I am the boss of you," I said making sure he understood completely.

"yeah, whatever," he said mimicking me.

I rolled my eyes at him and went to eat my breakfast. From time to time, I would glance at the clock on the wall, to keep a watch on the time so I wouldn't be late be. While eating I felt my back pocket vibrating. Reaching behind, I took my phone out and saw that I had a new text from Jen.

Ready to see who Miss Owens pick as your new partner?!!

I almost forgot that we switch partners today in Literature. I like having Jen as my partner as a matter of fact, I wish she could be in all my classes.

Can't wait -_-

lol, cheer up :)

okay then, see you at school :P

seee youuuu :D

I put my phone away, back in my pocket. I look up to see Kev was done and was putting his plate in the sink. He turned around to find me looking right at him. Suddenly he had that face that says that he was going to start to whine.

"Mellyyy, do I have to wash it??" he whines.

"Don't call me Melly and yes you have to." I gave him another stare and he turned toward the sink. He pick up this stupid nickname about when he was 3 and since then it's like he forgot my real name, and now he's stuck with it. Everytime I tell him not to call me that, it's like I'm doing the opposite. At times I like it because it's special, no one else calls me that, and at other times it just get on my nerves.

As soon as he's done, he picks up his book bag and runs toward the front door, "Later , Melly!" He shouts, and shuts the door behind him.

I roll my eyes and smile.

Time was running out, I'm not gonna have time to wash my plate, so I just left it in the sink.

Oh how hypocrite of me? Yelling at Kevin not to do the same thing I'm doing right now.

I put on my shoes, grab a sweater, I didn't bother looking in the mirror. Why does it matter how I look like? So grabbing my book  bag and my keys off the counter, I open the door and headed out.


In case you're wondering her name is Melanie. 

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