Chapter 2

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So as you can see I changed the tittle of the story. I never like it, I just kept it until i could find something more better and catchy. Last night while I was listening to one of my favorite band, Parachute, this tittle came to my mind and I just knew I had the perfect tittle . . . . for now. Hahaha!! I'm kidding. This tittle is here to stay.

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*Chapter 2

I was trying my best and doing everything I can to keep from falling asleep in Trig. You'd think it's because of the lack of sleep I got from last night, but really Mr. Beck was boring me to death. He talks in this voice that makes you lose interest in everything he says, and that bald spot was not working out for him. It was the only class I was failing with a C. I struggled with math since freshmen year and one of my least favorite subject.

Someone kick the back of my chair. I jolted in my seat and sat straight. At first I thought it was someone messing with me till I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Melanie, you're falling asleep again!" Jasmine whispered from behind me.

Jazz and I were pretty close friends, not my best friend but really close friends. After Jenny it was her that I can count on.

"Didn't get enough sleep?" she ask.

"No, not really," I answered, "but I think I can stay up for the  rest of the class"

"No need to, the bell is about to ring in less than 20 seconds." she said.

I took a quick glance at the clock on the wall.

"Finally!" I whispered to my self and just about then, the bell ring.

I was more than relieved to get out, while Jazz was waiting for me by the door, I gathered all my stuff to join her.

"Are you coming by the weight room this afternoon?" She ask as we walk down the hallway side by side.

"I don't know yet," I said, "maybe not. This morning I woke up and I was in pain from the workout of yesterday. I think I'll skip today"

"Oh come on, stop being a wuss," she said teasing me. If it's one thing she's good at, it's teasing me. I love her for that.

I laugh at her teasing and shook my head at her.

"So it's a no?" she said, "Fine, whatever"

I smiled at her silliness.

"Anyway, what class you have next?" She ask changing the subject.

"I have Literature next, what about you?"

"Oh I'm on office aid for this period, and I also heard there's suppose to be a new kid in your next class, I think." She said like it was no big deal.

"New kid? And how do you know these things?" I ask curiously.

"Um helloo! OFFICE AID!" she said as if it was the most obvious thing. It was. "How else would I know? I also know that you're failing Trig." she added giving me the stare.

"I have a C, the last time I check F was failing." I said knowingly. I stop walking and stood in the middle of the class room door.

"Whatever you say missy. Well this is where we part, my love" she said dramatically. I gave her a dry look. "We will reunited again" she said unable to control her smile. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

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