Chapter 8

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Your p.o.v

"She's not my girlfriend. " Carl mumbles and starts to walk away from his group of friends. I follow him to the guard tower.

"This is where we keep watch both at night and in the day. You wanna see up there?" He asks. I nod my head and he pulls open the door. We walk up the stairs and into a square room. "There's not much to see really," he explains. "Just some books, guns, water, blankets, and a chair. But the outside is where I like to be." He leads me to another door and opens it. A gust of cold wind hits me and cools down my burning cheeks. We step out onto a catwalk sorta thing. Carl puts his legs through the second railing and sits down on the iron. I do the same and kick my feet back and forth. Heights never really bothered me.

"Where're y'all from?" I ask Carl. He turns to look at me.

"Kentucky," (Going off the comics) he replies while turning his head away to trace the scratches in the railing with his fingers. "My mom and I went to Atlanta with my dads old best friend. My grandparents lived in Atlanta and we figured we'd go there for the safe zone."

"What about your dad? You didn't mention him in your trip." I point out.

"He was in a coma in the beggining of the outbreak, he woke up and left the hospital which was abandoned. Glenn found him and brought him back to camp." He smiles faintly at the memory.

I shiver as a gust of wind blows. "Are you cold? We can go back to the prison if you want. " Carl asks and starts to get up. I get up and follow him back inside the tower. The door below us opens up and a woman calls up the stairs.

"Carl, can you hand me the rifle up there? Maggie kept saying it got stuck when she reloaded it." Carl grabs the rifle and runs down the stairs. I go to follow him but he runs back up and we bump into each other.

"Sorry." We both mumble at the same time. We are inches apart and I feel his breath on my face. It smells like mint and mine probably smells awful. We lock eyes and he looks down at my lips. My heart picks up speed and I think we might actually kiss. But he turns around and runs down the stairs. I follow him and try not to be hurt.

Its getting dark so everyone is starting to go in. Carl is halfway across the yard so I start running to catch up.

I end up tripping over something and fall down hard. Pain shoots through my bad arm as I land on the hard gravel. My vision blackens around the corners of my eyes and I let out a yelp. It feels like white hot pokers are inside my arm.

I faintly hear footsteps running up to me and kneel down on the ground next to me. I roll over and try to pull my arm out from under me, which had fallen out of the sling. It burned and the black took over my sight.
I feel someone put my bad arm gently on my chest-which did not help the pain at all- and an arm go under my neck and the other go under my knees. I am lifted up and the person starts to walk.

"It's OK (Y/N)," says a breathless Carl. "I'm sorry about walking away like a coward. I should've - never mind. " He stops walking and kicks the door with his boot. Someone answers it.

"What happened? " Beth asks.

"She was running and feel on her bad arm. Can you get Hershal?" A minute later I hear two sets of foot steps, well, one and a half not counting the thunking of a fake leg.

"I don't think we have an open cell with a bottom bunk on it," the old man said. "And I can't fix her if she's on the top bunk."

Carl shifts. "She can have my bunk for now. I'll move my stuff down from the top bunk and sleep up there. " His voice sounds like he's under water. They start walking again and another door opens. I start to open my eyes and see Carl looking ahead. I turn my head to see where we're going and he looks down at me and smiles. "You are lighter than I thought possible. You need to eat girl!" I smile and shift a little, causing my arm to burn again I moan and black out fully.

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I wake up to movement and immediately grab for my knife and pull it out it's sheath. A person is standing on the railing on the edge of the bed I was laying on. How did I get here? I wonder. Then the events of yesterday come flooding back. I sit up and my head explodes. I squeeze my eyes close and swing my legs over the bed, putting my head in my hand. My arm was back in a tighter sling with thicker gauze wrapped around it.

Carl jumps off the bar with a box in his hands. He sets it on the desk and sits next to me on the bed. "You OK?" He asks.

"Just my head," I mumble. "My arm don't hurt no more." Which was unbelievable considering I passed out from pain some hours ago.

He got up and grabbed something off his desk. "You were out and missed dinner, but I managed to get a can of peaches for ya." He held out a spoon and can with a smile on his face. I accepted it and opened the can. "Thanks." I said, returning the smile.

"It's pass curfue so I guess you can stay here tonight. Plus I just finished clearing off the top bunk for my self and I don't want that to go to waste." He said and hopped up onto the top bunk. "Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Night Carl." I said as I put the can next to the bed and laid my head on the pillow, thankful for a bed after a year of sleeping on the ground.

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