Chapter 14

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Carl p.o.v

I'm helping dad on the garden a little earlier cause it looks like rain today. I pull out a weed and toss it into the wheel barrel.

Maggie comes running towards us. "Rick! Attack in C block!" My heart drops down to my stomach as I remember that's (Y/N)'s cell block.

Dad and I take off running but I get there first and Yank open the door. I run through D block and reach the closed door to C Block.

There are Walkers in there.

Dad pushes me out of the way and swings open the door. "Stay here Carl!" He yells and grabs his knife out.

I see (Y/N) stabbing a Walker that tried to get a little girl, no older than five. Another walker was right behind her. I Yank open the door and Maggie tries to grab me. I run to (Y/N) and stab the walker in the head. She whips round, knife ready and relief shows on her face. "It was Patrick." She says as she picks up the little girl and runs to a cell with the kids in it. She slams the door shut after she hands the girl to Lizzie.

It was Patrick. He let the Walkers in? Those words make my blood boil. Does he have a death wish?! Trust me I will grant him it if he does!

Dad kills the last Walker and then sees me putting my knife back in my sheath. "Carl! I thought I told you to stay put!" He scolds.

"(Y/N) needed help! A Walker was going to get her!" I protest.

Daryl looks over the railing to the upstairs. "(Y/N)! I thought I told you to stay in your cell!"

When she doesn't reply I walk towards the direction of her cell. Suddenly a blood curdling scream comes from the cell.

                    I take off running and hear Daryl run down the metal stairs. I Yank back the dirty blanket that covers the cell door and find (Y/N) trying to pull her mom away from her brothers teeth. I trip over something and look down to see a familiar face. It's Patrick, his face bloody and Walkerish.

I run up and stab (Y/B/N) in the head. Mrs. (Y/L/N) continues to scream and Daryl comes rushing in, grabbing his brothers wife from (Y/N)'s arms. Her neck is gushing blood.

"Carl! Get (Y/N) out if here! Now!" Dad demands me. Daryl tries to stop the bleeding and is swearing up a storm. (Y/N) is staring in horror as her mom bleeds to death.

I grab her hand and drag her outside the cell. She falls to her knees and sobs into her hands. I kneel down next to her and move her till she is sobbing into my chest. Lizzie comes out of a cell with Mika as they cling onto Carol crying. Lizzie looks at me with hatred, probably because I'm not comforting her.

I hear the sickening 'thunk' of the knife going through bone and (Y/N) cries harder. Daryl stumbles out and sits down hard in the metal chair across from us. Dad tells him something.

"I-I'll bury the bodies tomorrow." He replies. Dad says something back that I can't quite hear and Daryl just shakes his head.

(Y/N)'s sobs become softer and she makes no more noise but I can tell she's crying by the tear puddle on my shirt. Tyreese, Glenn, Dad, and Daryl start to drag the bodies out of the cells. "Come on, you don't need to see this," I say to (Y/N). She let's me guide her to her feet bit they buckle and she almost falls again. I pick her up bridal style like I did the time she tripped and re-broke her arm.

I carry her to my cell and put her on my bed again. She passed out on the walk here and her tear and blood stained face looks peaceful despite the events that just happened.

I quickly run to the showers and get a wet wash cloth to rid her face of the blood. When I get back I carefully wipe her face. She begins to open her eyes and then bolts straight up with a scared look on her face. "M-my U-uncle. Is he okay?"

I nod my head. Her eyes well up with tears and she turns away from me. I rush to her and hug her. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you (Y/N). I-I," I don't know if this is the right time to say this. "I realized that in this world you have to suck up every bit of love you can before It's too late. Here I was being a jerk the whole time just because I though that would snuff out my feelings. But almost loosing you and seeing what happened today made me realize that I need to tell you. I love you (Y/N)."

She looks up with red eyes, she lets out a sob and then kisses me. At first I'm taken aback and then I begin to kiss back. It feels like fireworks are flying everywhere and I momentarily forget where I am, that this is the apocalypse and not the school playground. It's a sloppy kiss due to tears, but I really don't care. She pulls away and I give her a small smile. She wipes her eyes and then gets up.

"I'm going to go find my Uncle, I want to help bury..." She stares at the floor and then sprints off to C block.

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