Chapter Two: Going Under

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With the force of a freight train, Victoria broke through the surface, the cold water piercing through her like a thousand needles. Her body went limp, a paralysis creeping through her limbs. The current grabbed ahold of her, and was dragging her deeper and deeper into the cold darkness.

Panic ripped through her, shattering the numb feeling that was weighing down her body. The primal need to survive kicked, and Tory fought. She kicked and clawed with a mad fury knowing all too well that if she didn't, she was deep. It was as if some bodiless entity was seizing hold of her and was purposefully trying to drag her under. Her lungs screamed for air, her heart beating faster and faster as her panicked turned into white hot terror.

Tory kicked harder, moved her arms with twice the force, her desperation urging her to fight. She saw nothing but darkness at all sides, as though she were floating through space. Then, so sudden that she was sure that it was an illusion caused by her fear, a bright, close to blinding, golden light cut through the darkness. As quick as the light appeared it vanished.

With a final burst of energy, Tory surged forward, breaking the surface, drinking in the air like a starved man. Chest heaving and her mind clouded with fear. Panicked, Victoria looked around all around her. The storm was in full swing, the sea a riot of waves that pommeled her from all sides relentlessly.

Every time Tory managed to catch her breath, another wave was crashing over her head. Tory struggled to keep her head above the water, sputtering as salt water invaded her mouth. She turned to and fro, searching for any sight of the ship.

"Hey! Heeeeellllp! Is anybody out there?!" Tory shouted, her voice drowning among the waves and pouring rain.

Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the night. Though Tory didn't spot the ship, she did catch sight of something else.

Bobbing on the waves was a board of sorts. Faster than Kate Winslet shoving Leonardo DiCaprio to freeze to death in the ocean, Tory swam towards the board. The sea fought against her the entire way, but Victoria was relentless. She fought the waves and the current until at long last, batterer and worn she grasped ahold of the board. With great effort, she lifted herself onto the board and partly out of the water.

A moment, just a moment, Tory let out a sigh of relief, shuddering against the ice that was settling in her bones. Her breath came out in fast, white bursts that dissolved into the night. She was exhausted and weary of what had happened. She struggled up right, squinting through the night and the rain.

"HELLO?!" She bellowed with every once of energy that she possessed in her five foot even, hundred and five pound body. Her voice broke, but she swallowed hard, the taste of salt water heavy on her tongue. "IS ANYBODY THERE?!"

Only the boom of thunder answered her. She shivered against the sound. Tory was freezing, she was tired and she wasn't sure if she would get to see dry land ever again. Faces flashed before her eyes in the single span of a heart beat-Fay, her parents, Hannah, Rose, Stacey, Mia, even Mr. Perfect made an appearance.

With a bone chilling shudder, Tory fell into the darkness.


The sound of waves beating against the shore woke her hours later. With a strangled moan Tory rose up on her hands and knees, and made a desperate crawl from the mouth of the ocean. She coughed and sputtered, dislodging the sea water in her throat. Sand clung to her wet skin like lint to a pair black skinny jeans, her hair falling in matted wet clumps around her face. True consciousness spread through her when her hand grasped a fist full of warm, dry sand.

It was amazing how such a tiny, insignificant thing could make someone so dizzy with relief and happiness it border lined insanity. Tory collapsed upon the beach, the sand spreading warmth through her chilled body. With grand effort she rolled onto her back, screwing her eyes shut she attempted to slow her ragged breathing.

I'm okay. I am alive. Concentrating slightly, Tory took inventory of her body-fingers and both thumbs were there. Toes were accounted for. Legs and arms were present as well, but boy they ached like a mother trucker. Groaning, Victoria forced her protesting body to sit up, taking in her surroundings.

She was on a beach, sand as white and soft as down feathers surrounding her. Masses of craggily black rocks lined the shore, the dark green blue waves crashing against them. The sun was shinning low on the horizon, the sky a master piece of pale violets, and blues, streaked with fiery pinks and oranges. Cumulous clouds drifted idly over her head. Victoria was sure that nothing could look so beautiful.

Now, the question was-where the hell was she?

Tory closed her eyes, blocking out what she was seeing and attempting to focus on the facts. She had fallen over board-someone must have seen something. Someone had to be looking for her.

An idea struck her. "My bag!"

Gripping around her body, Tory's fingers found the strap of her bag. Digging in, she shuffled through the sodden items until she found her phone.

Her very wet phone.

"Fff!" Tory growled tossing it to the ground, as though it were its fault that she found herself marooned on some beach in only God knew where she was.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Victoria fought against the tears that were threatening to spill over, tears fueled by frustration and fear. Shifting her thoughts away from her possible doom, Tory listened. To the sea gulls crying out over head, to the waves lapping hungrily at the shore, to the wind as it whistled and hummed in her ears. But beyond the sound of the crashing waves and the howl of the wind, there were strange, unnatural sound emanating from behind her. Frowning, Tory twisted around in order to see what was at her back.

Tory's jaw dropped and she all but forgot her near brush with death or where she was.

Because behind her all hell was breaking loose.

______________________________Author's Note____________________________

It's short -.- I am sincerely sorry. Ghah. I tried to make it longer-but still this is what I got. I can only drag out a drowning scene so much ):

But hi! Thank you for waiting. I've been busy. Been earning some dough, saving for a laptop. This is gunna take a while.

Ok, sorry. What do you think? Does it have promise? I can't wait until I get to write about Brenhin. And the kitty will appear once again very soon.

So. I need a cover. This monstrosity I made is an eyesore. I need professional help. So please HELLLLLP D: I will give you a dedication and build a temple in your honor and will celebrate a holiday named after you. Pllllleeeaase. :3

I'm working on some new books. One is Dark Moon, which is a suspense werewolf novel. Then I have Hidden Magick which is about witch who has turned her back on her magick due to her mother's mysterious murder. And last is Ghost of You, which is the story of a seventh generation seer who returns to her roots of the South in order to gain control of her abilities. There are others but these are the closest to being ready for launching. Really excited for these to be up and running :)

Ok, ok, I will stop now. VCF please, I love you guys

LOL Amber :)

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