It all makes sense...

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[ HEYO, so I decided: oh since Twisty is super addicted to Septiishu and the Anti AU, I would write a fanfic about it. So I tried my best and I hope you enjoy! ]

"Wake up..." Signe heard the soft murmurs in her ear as she pulled the covers over her face. "What are you doing Sean, it s 3 in the fucking morning."
"Urm, who the hell is Sean?"
"And who are you ???"
Signe did not dare to move, silently praying that this was only a dream. She did not just cheat on Sean...
She swiveled around, staring into two glowing red menacing eyes.
"WHAT... Sean???"
Wait,what? How did Sean himself just ask who he was?
"What the fuck Sean you gave me a fright!"
The green haired Irish man didn't seem to have patience. He didn't seem like the normal happy youtuber boyfriend she knew. He immediately sat up, eyeing the room.
"Huh... This Sean guy definitely has terrible taste. Ew."
Signe blinked, feeling all the anger she had inside melt away, turning into confusion.
"Wait, aren't YOU Sean, Jacksepticeye, you know the cake lover, the guy I love?"
She immediately questioned him, only to hear the heart shattering answer of "No."
She yelled, leaping up from the bed, only to see 'Sean' smirking.
He stood up and got close to her, only then did she notice his ears, all pointy. And his fingers were all... Sharp? How was that even physically possible? He extended his hand, locking his eyes into her confused and flustered hazel eyes.
"Antisepticeye, or Anti for short. I'm guessing this Sean guy is your boyfriend?" Signe hesitated, not sure of how to respond. Reason? HE, Anti, WAS her boyfriends. Well Anti was in her boyfriends body...
She slowly touched his hand. Cold, the kind that sent chills up your spine from murderers in horror movies , the lack of love. "So , can I meet this 'Sean' guy you keep talking about?"
He didn't seem to know this.
"You are him . It's 3 in the morning and can you explain all of this?!"
Anti looked at Signe, motionless, as if he knew exactly what was going on. "Wait..." Anti laughed, Sean's laughter, just...creepier. "Smart girl, though it took you 5 minutes just to understand me."
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Signe yelled, stepping back. Maybe she could scream for help or bang the walls, her neighb- wait. She couldn't do that... That'd would mean that Sean would be gone.
"Simple honey, to destroy your sweet little Sean, ruin him, his career, and his body."
"Why would you tell me that?! I could try to save him now!"
He glanced swiftly at the septic Mas  in his shoulder.
"Because I know you can't do ANYTHING about it, sweetheart. Dark and I won't let anyone get in our way."
"D-Dark? "
"Ech, it's obviously Mark you idiot."
Signe 's heart raced. She now understood why Sean had been so off lately. In videos, nobody suspected a thing, but off camera, he would constantly tell Signe he loved her and asked if she would forgive him for ANYTHING. How he had lost his appetite and how he would constantly seem so spaced out. She immediately understood everything.
//enjoy this random time skip to next morning//
"Morniiii and you know everything already don't you? No reason to keep lying. Heh, go on, hate me." Sean said, looking at Signe's concerned face.
Signe stood up and walked towards him, only about a centimeter away from his face. Sean was expecting a slap, to knock him into his senses. He shut his eyes and braced himself, mouthing "Go on."
Instead, he felt a pair of lips pressed into his, and a warm body , somehow shivering , pressed into his chest. He opened his eyes as she released his arms from her grasp. "I'll never hate you, you nerd." She muttered as she wrapped her hands around his shaking body.
Sean couldn't help it, and tears were the only way he could express his pain.

//Chapter 2 will be uploaded when my writers block ends! //

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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