Hey you August 22, 2011
Ok to whoever is reading this, im writing on my computer for this stupid project in creative writing. I mean i didnt even sign up for this class, but somehow i got my scheudule mixed up.Thats a effing fantastic way to start off my junior year. Back to the project so for a whole year im suppose to write on my computer about anything i want. It just feels awkward writing down my feeling and stuff.So here goes whats on my mind today, last night me and my dad had another bad argument. It doesnt suprise me though because it happens mostly every other night. Im not one of those kids who parents yell at them and go into their room and cry. Im the other half and i like to go out and forget about all my worries so i went to a party that Claire invited me to. I think she likes, but that storie is for another entry in my journal, but back to my dad this is how it all begin.
**Flashback to last night**
"Hey dad there isnt any food for Katie" He had just came home was drunk, but at least expected him to pick up food for my 5 year old sister since i didnt have a car or a no money.
"Well if you werent to damn lazy you could have done it yourself"
"You know what i try my fucking best to support Katie, i raise her like shes mine" I whispered queitly to him so Katie couldnt hear, she hated us fighting.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT" He screamed. Katie Heard him scream and ran toward her room. Not long after that he went passed out, from drinking to much. I went to Katie's room and she was on her bed with a hurt look on her face.
"Hey Katie" I tryed to use my comfort voice so she wouldnt be as scared.
"Are you ok Bubby?"
"Im fine, so are you hungry or anything?"
"No im tired im going to just go to bed"
"Ok, well let me tuck you in, and then ill see you in the morning" i gave her a sweet smile i always did when i saw her. She grabbed my face and kissed my nose.
"I love you bubby goodnight"
"Love you to katie goodnight"
I left her room and went into mine to check my phone. I got a text from Claire
CLAIRE: Hey cutie party at my place, you better come.
I smiled at this text, i met Claire at my summer job, and she was this sweet girl but she flirts alot. I flirt back but nothing serious has happened yet, which i was hoping it would. So i opened my back room door since i lived in the guest house and went walking towards her house. It wasnt miles and miles away but it was a good distances, it bother me though i loved walking it lets me think......
So tell me if you guys think i should continue writing this stories it gets interesting in the next part and it will be longer. So please comment and tell me

hey you
Teen FictionAs Dimitri a bad boy who doesnt care about anything. Who goes through girls like crazy and nothing in his life goes write enters 11Th grade he has a project which he must write in a journal for a whole year about anything. As he writes about family...