Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I wake up to a gorgeous view. Kian Lawley. I smirk at him, it was time for school so I pushed him a bit so he would wake up. "Kiannnnn" he hummed a bit "it's time to get up" he rolled his head the other way, I got off of him and then sat on top of him so wear my knees are wear his waist is. I grab his checks an make him do the fish face "Kiannnnn baby wake up." He tried to escape my grip on his face it didn't work "bite me" he said annoyed "well you asked for it" I reached down to his neck and bit him softly, I then kissed his neck over and over, he moaned a little and I chuckled. He still wouldn't wake up so I gave him a hickey. He still didn't want to wake up. "Oh I guess I will go to school all by myself with a bunch of boys who like me." He just laughed and turned over to his side. "Man I can not get you up" I rolled off of him and laid next to him. I smirked the. Said "if you love me you would wake up and sit up." He instantly sat up. I chuckled.

7 am

I had my clothes on (clothes on side bar) Kian wore some clothes that I had of his. He wore his Cookie Monster shirt and his grey jeans. He looked fineeee. I went to unlock the door and walk out.

I didn't except this at all my dad was in front of the door, "so I assume Kian spent the night?" I was in deep shit, my dad was ferrous and had his arms crossed over his chest, I honestly didn't know what to say at all, "umm, no." I lied but I couldn't think of an excuse to tell him "then why is he in your room I did not see him come through the living room at all." I was sweating "he was here just really early before you woke up like 5:30." He won't fall for that "I don't believe that for a second and even if that is true why was he I'm your room." Fuckkkk "I needed his advice on clothes for a minute he was in the bathroom and then I asked him to come into my room" dad looked at his neck, fuck fuck fuck, why did I do that "Nikki I can clearly see the hickey and his clothes are on the floor, the window is open and I know he climbed the tree. Kian go home and, you are to never come to this house again and to ever see my daughter again!!" Kian ran out of the house.

I started to cry and I turned around and slammed the door on him and locked it. "NICHOLE OPEN THIS DOOR ROGHT NOW WE NEED TO TALK!!!" Uhh I fucking hate him "FUCK OFF."

It was 8 there is no point in going to school. I look at my phone and see I got a text from Kian.

From Kian 💘


I smiled at his text. I turned to see Kian at the window smiling. I opened the window and he jumped in giving me a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight. I started to sob in his chest, "shh shh it's ok baby we can get through this." I kept crying because I had to live this horrible dad of mine who let me even leave my room "Kian he won't let me leave my room." He pulled away from the hug and picked me up he sat me on his lap and he sat on the bed, "it's ok baby we can leave through the tree." He took his thumb and wiped away my tears, I smiled and he pecked me.

We climbed out the window I looked down and it was scary but he helped me down the whole way. One we got out of my yard we ran like we never ran before. We were running hand and hand and laughing with each other, I felt free almost.

Nice place to end off of.☺️👍

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