Chapter 3

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Nina's POV

Next morning, after a crazy night of The Unknown Eternity and Nick's call, I finally slept.

I'm preparing to leave for work. Ha! Work! Never thought I'd ever say that anytime soon.
I ate my breakfast, took my wallet, my bag, one of my paintings, my phone and my keys. I set the alarm before I left.
I drove off to the school. Parked my car in the empty spot I saw. Looked at my face in the rear view mirror, removed the keys from the ignition and put them inside my bag. I took my phone and my bag, got out of the car and closed the door. Opened the back door and took out my painting, closed the door and locked the car. I walked into the school. Everywhere was silent, I saw a man who just walked out of a room.
"Excuse me?"

He looked at me "Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Mr Pattie"

"Down the hall, first door to the left"

"Thank you" I headed for 'the door on the left'

I reached the door and saw 'Mr Pattie' on it. I knocked with my left hand and with my bag resting on my right arm.

"Come in"

I opened the door and entered

"Oh Nina, please have a seat"

"Hello Mr Pattie" I sat down "Thank you" I dropped the painting on the right side of the chair and my bag on my lap.
"Mr Fitz said I'd be resuming today"

"Yes. And your class will start in about..." He looked at his watch "" he smiled then I heard the bell go off "Please follow me. I'll show you to the class you'd be taking before we get the replacement" he stood

"Okay" I carried my bad and the painting, stood up and followed him out of his office, through the hall and into a very spacious classroom. A lot of students were here and there.

"Good morning everyone" everyone rushed to their seats "This is Miss Anderson. She'll be your substitute teacher before we get a permanent replacement for you"

Someone's hand was raised.


"Miss Anderson as in Miss Nina Anderson?" The student asked

"Yes Mr David"

There were 'Huuu's' and 'Haaa's' everywhere

"Your cue Miss Anderson"

"Thank you. I'll handle it from here" he left

"Okay. I'm seeing a lot of hands raised. So, if I call you, you'll tell me your name and ask your question. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Ma'am? Wow! You guys can sure make a woman feel old enough to be your ancestor" they all laughed "From now onward you'll all call me by my name" I smiled at them.
I looked round the class and pointed at a boy.

"I'm Jack. My question; if you're Miss Nina Anderson, daughter of Mr Anderson. What are you doing teaching here?"
Some students laughed. I smiled

"I'm teaching you because I love art. I'd teach art anywhere, in a Barn, in Juvi, in an asylum to show how much I love art" a few hands went down. I pointed at a girl in front.

"You paint?"

"Your name?"


"Yes Mary. I paint" I pointed at another girl

"I'm Miranda. Don't you have like a company to run or a wedding to plan?"

"Like I said Miranda, I love art. I left all that cause of it" No more raised hands

"No more questions?" I waited "Good"
I picked up my painting and removed the cover. There were 'wow's' everywhere in the room.
"This is my third painting, I was gonna show you my first but my dad wanted it so I decided to start with the first thing that helped me in art and the reason why I love it...Inspiration. I got inspired at the age of Eight by a dreadful thing I call The Unknown Eternity..." I taught them about how they get inspired by the things around them and how they should reflect it in their art.

After an hour and a half I had three other classes to teach. So I finished around 2pm. I got home by 3pm and was so tired. I took my phone out and dialled my mum.
"Nina, I thought you'd never call me"

I laughed "Hey mum. I miss you too"

"I miss you a lot darling. Are you okay?"

"Yea mum. Just tired that's all"

"Oh right...The art school. Nick told me about it. So, how was your first day?"

"Great actually. Is dad home?"

"No. He's in a meeting with Nick at the office"


"Every meeting is..."

" important. I know. Okay mum, I'll talk to you later"

"Bye sweetie"

"Bye mum"
The line went dead.

I had a shower, changed into clean, comfy clothes, did the laundry and ate dinner. Watched a movie and went to bed with my phone, as always.

The week went by so fast I didn't have time for myself or to paint. My routine was the same everyday. On Saturday, I cleaned the house, did some more laundry, painted a little more of what I started last Sunday. Been talking to Nick, dad and mum everyday. If I don't call, they call.

On Monday morning, I woke up still feeling sleepy. Went to the bathroom, had my bath and did other things. Got dressed and went to the kitchen. Lit the gas and was about putting the pan on the fire to make an egg.

Ring! Ring!
"Hello Mr Pattie"

"You're gonna miss your first class if you don't get here on time"

I checked the time. 8:15am

"I'm on my way" I said and ended the call.

I took my bag, phone and keys then ran out the house. I got to school 30 minutes later. 30 minutes faster than usual. I apologized to Mr Pattie and told him it would never happen again and I'll make sure it doesn't.

I walked out of school at exactly 2:01pm. I took out my phone and changed the profile to Normal. I had 3 missed calls from dad, 10 from an unknown number and 2 from Nick.
I dialled dad's number.

"Hello dad" I removed my keys from my bag

"Where are you?"

"I'm about leaving school"

"Okay. Nick's on his way over to your house. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Why is Nick coming over?"

"I received a call thirty minutes ago from the fire department. They tried calling you but you had it on voicemail"

"Why does the fire department want to talk to me? What's going on dad!"

"Darling your house as on fire"

"What? When! How?...Oh shit!"


"I turned the gas on and forgot to turn it off"

He sighed "You have to be careful darling"

"Okay dad. I'll head home now"

"Bye sweetie"

"Bye dad"
The line went dead.

I drove as fast as my car could go. Well, without breaking any road rules and regulations. My house is sorta isolated. Well not technically but there's a safe distance between my house and the next one and the one before. I wanted it that way cause I didn't want any of my neighbours to file a complaint of noise every night I wake up screaming.

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