Chapter 7

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Hello, I just wanted to say thank you to all my readers. It might not seem like a lot of views but it means a lot. Thank you for reading and voting. I hope you leave comments.


  We all talked for a while before we all went to bed. Drew and Mara showed me to my room. It was at the end of a very spacious hall with five rooms on each side.
   My room was opposite Fabian's room and right next to Mara's. It had its own bathroom and a huge closet. It was really nice, the whole apartment was nice. It was something out of The sound of music but a little smaller.

    I did my usual pre-bedtime things. I got into my pj's then into my bed. My phone on my bedside, as always.

    Mi Dios! necesito tus Ayuda.
    My God! I need your help.

And once again, it all began...

     It was really dark, no single trace of light anywhere. The moon was out but just a crescent which was not bright. The stars were  no where to be found. I tried moving my feet but it wouldn't move. I turned around and there it was....


"...just a dream Nina, wake up. Nina! Nina!"

I felt someone pull me out of The Unknown Eternity.

I snap out of it and now I'm wide awake. I wipe my tears and sniffle. I look round my bed and see them all. Drew, Mara, Patricia, Amber and Fabian.

"Are you alright?" Fabian who was kneeling near my bed with his hands on my shoulders

I nod and sniffle again.
Mara and Amber sit on the right side of my bed. Patricia on the left with Drew and Fabian.

"Okay, your brother wasn't kidding about the screams" Patricia said with a straight face

I smiled "He'll soon call"


Ring! Ring!
I pick up my phone and put it on speaker. It didn't matter again now that they've experienced it first hand and they sorta know about it. I don't want to keep anything from them.
Well, they don't know about it in details but they're the only ones outside my family and apart from my therapist that knows about it. And to be honest, it feels nice letting people know about it...but I don't want their pity.

"I'm fine" I said after picking the call

"I know you are. I'm just used to waking up by this time and being there for you"

"You know Nick, you can't keep on calling me every night just to comfort me. I have friends now" I looked at everyone standing, and sitting, in my room. "I already feel happy having a normal life, it's amazing. You have other things to worry about now, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself"

"Yea Nick, we'll take care of her" Mara said

I smiled at her

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yea" I giggled

"Is it gonna be like this from now on?"

"Like what?"

"I call you and you put me on speaker?"

"Yea" I sighed "They all know about it now. There's nothing else to hide. They're the first people to know about it apart from you, mum, dad and the therapist. I mean I've not had a girlfriend or any friends for that matter for the past twelve years. Having a few now makes it normal, makes 'me' normal" they all smiled at me.

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