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It had been at least 2 hours after we had left St. Louis when all of a sudden i looked into the rear view mirror to see a dark blue vehicle closing in on mine rather too quickly for my liking. I knew that speeding up wouldn't help the situation so I did what I learned to do and kept at my normal pace, it was only after the car had rammed into the back of my jeep when I proceeded to speed away and weave through traffic trying to escape this psycho.

The only problem was this person was really good at driving and I ended up taking an unplanned exit to some town I don't know the name of because I was too busy trying to escape a car who would soon wreck mine. Rylee had already gotten all her screaming out and I was about to punch her in the face to get her to shut up so I could concentrate on driving but she thankfully passed out before I had to make her. I looked left and right then saw some woods ahead, turning on my all terrain gears I sped off into the woods because I knew I'd lose that big car in these parts especially being in a jeep, built for these kinds of things. I easily steered between the trees and looked in the rear view to see the car had to stop and turn around. I knew better than to go back the way we came in so i took a sharp left and headed straight until we would reach the thruway. I woke Rylee up and told her to call the cops and explain to them what happened, she had a shaky hand and voice but she managed to explain everything. Just as she hung up the road appeared in the distance and I whipped out my phone to turn on GPS to find our way back to the original route. My phone told me it would only take about 20 minutes to get back on the high way so I sped up a bit to ensure we would make it there in less time and enough time to not be seen by the person who was seemingly trying to kill us. I couldn't help but think over and over why this situation was happening, why us? I had no enemies and I certainly had nobody who would want to ram my car off the road. " Maybe it was that Aron kid or someone he associates with" Rylee pitched in seeing that I was obviously was deep in thought about this whole thing.

We had made it the next 4 hours without any trouble so I decided we would pull off the highway into a town to spend the night. The only thing wrong with this is it was one of those super small towns in the middle of nowhere , like in the episode of Supernatural where they messed up your car and sacrificed the people to the scare crow to keep themselves alive, yeah that would be a problem. Rylee and I had watched all the seasons of Supernatural and we knew how to handle business if it came down to it. I pulled into the best looking hotel we could find which was a Hampton Inn and it was still cheap. After paying for the rooms we got our stuff and went upstairs. From the window I used the special feature I had on my car to lock it and turn it a different color so that the dude or whatever gender this psycho may be didn't recognize my green jeep from earlier because it was now a sexy midnight blue, I had gotten this color changing thing put in my car for situations like this and I so hoped it would come in handy. I also put fake license plates over mine in case they got into detail about my car. Feeling somewhat satisfied I closed all the curtains, double locked the door and turned off the lights leaving one dimmed lamp on before hopping in the shower. It felt so relieving to feel the hot water run down my face and back taking the stress from the day away. Being in the bathroom shut me off from the world and I enjoyed every last second of it while I could. 'Man if days are going to be like this, we are going to have serious problems' I thought to myself. I heard Rylee knocking at the door, "Come on I want to take a shower too and you're taking all the hot water. I reluctantly got out and put on my Captain America pajama pants and a t shirt then left the bathroom with my dirty clothes. " If you wait five to ten minutes there will probably be more hot water, we also need to find a laundry place so we can wash our clohtes."

She groaned before closing the door and all I did was laugh before going and laying in the bed Rylee had not already claimed. Before I knew it my muscles relaxed and I had drifted into sleep, surprised at how tense I had actually been.


I know its been a bit since i updated even though this book doesn't have that many people reading but thank you to those who are. I have a laptop now so i should be able to update a lot more. let me know how I'm doing.


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