Chapter Eleven

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I sit in the waiting room at the doctors,just looking around as I wait to be called. Doctors offices have always creeped me out,though I don't really know why.

I see a fish tank,so I get up and head over to it,and check out all the different fish. There's a clown fish that I notice,and I think of Nemo.

I wish Matt was here with me,or Emma or even Zacky. Or actually anyone really because it would make me feel a lot better. But they all had plans so I stand here alone.

"Stephanie Baker." I hear and see a man in a white coat open a door with a clipboard in his hand.

"That's me." I say kind of stupidly,and head over to him to follow him.

I follow him to one of the back rooms,and sit down on the seat with paper on top of it. There's different kinds of posters about the body,and a skeleton that I hope is fake. It all makes me feel un easy.

"Alright so what have we come here today for?" He ask me and clears his throat.

"Well I have this......this um lump. On the side of my uh breast and my boyfriend was concerned that it was cancer so he wanted me to come here." I say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I see,well first I know it might be uncomfortable but I must take a look at it,and then we will run a series of tests." He says and I nod. Great this sounds fun.

After all the tests,and God to I hate needles. And it was really uncomfortable when he looked at the lump but,he is the doctor it is his job.

I sit there,waiting again for the results. I think really hard about if it's cancer,and I can feel tears. I really really hope it's not.

What if it's so bad that they have to remove my breast like they did my grandmother? Or I have to go through chemotherapy and lose all of my hair? Dammit I need to stop thinking about all of it.

I jump back when the door opens,and the doctor steps back in. He stands there with his clipboard,and I begin to shake from nervousness.

"So." I say nervously as I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear again.

  "I'm sorry Ms. Baker." He says,and he doesn't have to say anything else because I've already let my tears out.

  "Can I die from this?" I ask and he tilts his head.

  "You can,but it's a slim chance." He says and I wipe away my tears.

  "Now,in a couple days we can transfer you to a hospital and begin chemotherapy, it'll help slow its growth,help it not spread and get rid of its cells. But,you will lose your hair as a result of it. But,if it's still bad after therapy,we will have to remove your breast before it spreads more." He says and I close my eyes,trying not to break down. I don't really know how to take it all in.

  "I'm sorry Ms. Baker,we will try our best to get rid of it." He says sympathetically and I nod.

When I get to my car,I try my hardest not to just break down and sob into my steering wheel. I need someone to talk to. Jimmy. Jimmy should be home by now,he's always been one of the guys that I would go to to talk to when I needed help.

  When I get to his house I knock on his door loudly,and when he opens the door I instantly begin to cry again.

  "Woah Steph what happened?" He asks as he pulls me into his house. He pulls me into a hug,rubbing my back and sets his chin on the top of my head.

  "Alright please tell me,what happened what's wrong?" He asks after a couple minutes and I sniffle and dry my eyes.

  "I went to the doctors. And got some tests done. I have breast cancer Jimmy." I say as I clench his shirt,sobbing into it. I hear him mumble something under his breath but I don't question what he said.

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