Chapter 17

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Both you and Sasaki laid there breathing heavily. You moved his hair out of his eyes and looked down at his blushing face. "The black in your hair keeps appearing less and less. " you said. Sasaki nodded. "Yeah? I guess it is. But I kinda like it." He smiled. You smiled back and kissed him. "We should sleep now." You suggested. "(M/n)..who's Kaneki?" Sasaki asked. "Kaneki was my previous lover...until he died." Sasaki felt sad. "What if..he didn't and he just looks different now.." Sasaki mumbled. You looked at him. "What do you mean?" Sasaki sighed. "I read my report Arima had on said I was formerly a ghoul named Eyepatch." Your eyes widened. "Are you serious? Haise?" He nodded. "I also found Ken Kaneki's report. His code name was "The Eyepatch"."

Your eyes widened. "Y-you mean.." Sasaki nodded. "Every night..Kaneki torments me..telling me to give him his body back. I'm scared of him..truly. " Sasaki looked down then back up at your watery eyes. "Damn it Kaneki...why can't you just rest?" Sasaki looked into your (e/c) pools. "(M/n)..." you hugged him tightly and cried silently. You missed Kaneki that much. Sasaki held you all night. "I'm sorry.." he mumbled. "'s not your fault. I blame Arima.." you said wiping your eyes. "I'm fine now..thank you, Haise." You smiled and covered your self with the blanket. "Your welcome, (M/n)." He replied and fell asleep snuggled into your chest.


The next morning, the two of you woke up and took turns in the shower. While one was getting g clean, the other took care of the sheets. "Sassan! Sensei!" Shriazu called out. Sasaki was already done with his shower and opened the door. "Yes? What do you want?" Sasaki asked. "The others and I are going out. We wanted to know if you and Sensei would like to come with." Shriazu explained. "Sure. Just let us get ready." He closed the door and put on his normal black shirt with a white tie and striped pants. He fixed his hair as you were walking out of the bathroom. "The others are going out and they want us to join." Sasaki said. "Hm..I guess." You thought and got dressed.

Both of you met up with the rest and left to a cafe named :re. When you walked in, you notice someone that looked familiar. "Huh? No way, Touka-chan!" You seemed happy to see her. She turned around and frowned. "'s you." You stopped smiling and walked up to her. "Hey, I'm sorry what happened that day. That was my fault, none of it was yours. Are we good?" You whispered. "Y-yeah..thanks (M/n)..but why are you an investigator?" She asked. "Ever since Kaneki joined Aogiri...I've been with them. I'm now Special 1st class (M/n) (L/n)." You said. " least your not living in the streets. " she patted your head. You went back to your group and sat down. "Two black coffees and what ever they want." you ordered. Touka wrote their orders down and went to go make them. "Soooo~ would Mamman or Sensei like to explain what the sounds we heard last night were?" Saiko smirked. "W-what noises? " Sasaki asked. "You know~" she grinned big now. "I was crying over the loss of my ex wife.." everyone grew silent at your believable lie. "I am aware I sound like a dying whale when I cry.." you said with a straight face. Everyone looked down. " she die?" Mutsuki asked. "You don't want to know.." you said and touka brought your coffee over. You sipped your coffee and everyone was silent. You smirked at Sasaki and he did the same. "So gullible.."

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