His Mate....Three

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"Adriannah you look like a boy, take that bloody thing off." Her mother hissing as she entered her daughter's apartment bedroom. Well there goes her safe haven…. 

"Mother it’s called knocking."  She growled through her teeth as stopped what she was doing and turned around. “I wear what I like, mother. Plus a dress will never hide my gun.” And a few dangers and knives.  She was taught to always be cautious and ready, by Andrew. Adriannah turned back to the mirror and finished her makeup. “Besides Andrew said I should look more sophisticated instead of slutty.”

“Oh, what till I get my hands on your cousin. Putting thoughts of my daughter dressing up like a man.” Her mother stormed out the room and playful smile played on her lips. She didn’t care how she looked all she cared about was seeing a werewolf up close. Not only that she would feel like she was an equal, maybe. Taking a breath to calm her excited heart, she checked herself one last time before leaving.

Meanwhile Dean sat impatiently in his limo as he entertained himself by making fun off, Bridge’s slicked back hair. Being in vamp territory was the worst thing for him; it made the wolf inside him wild and unsettled. However he could sense Bridge’s wolf cool and collected, much like his boring personality.

“Are we there yet?” Dean looked at his watch. I am about to jump out this moving limo!

Bridge chuckled, “Patience is a virtue. But since you are so eager to escape, we are here.” The limo stopped in front of an enormous golden building. Dean jumped out and before him a swarm of flashes blinding his brown eyes. Biting back a growl he ignored the camera’s and quickly walked to the door of the Opera house.

Not far behind, Adriannah and Andrew came walking waving and smiling at cameras. Not long before, Adriannah’s parents scolded her cousin about her wardrobe, but Andrew seemed to pass that off as nothing. When they entered the opera house, Adriannah could feel the tension in the air and the hearts of most beating with adrenaline. This is what you get for bring lycan and vamps together….

“Adriannah, this way.” Her cousin pushed her gently towards to huge doors. “Go inside and wait for Abraham. One more thing cause no trouble. You are in the real War Office now.” She gave him a smile and went right in, closed the door behind her.

“Ah, you must be the heiress, Adriannah James?” She turned around to find a two men sitting on the plush chairs. The first one looked like he fell out of an old English movie, while the other screamed ‘lethal and dangerous’ to her. A smile curved on her lips as she nodded. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Bridge Nash, the beta behind the Lycan society and this man right beside me is Dean Nash, our Alpha.”

Adriannah eyes swept over his body as he slouched in the chair not paying attention to anyone.  Not once in her life she thought a werewolf would look…look so sexy. She could feel the raw power and authority that consumed his aura. She has never felt that off any vampires, not even her own cousin. She crossed the room and took a seat right in front of Bridge who smiled warmly and looked down, seconds passed before Abraham entered the room.

“Sorry for my late presents. I must apologize.” He sat right next to Adriannah, who took his apology. “So let us begin. As you two know, we have been holding a treaty for quiet some years but we still fight. Not openly of course. However, we have been trying many things to help both sides to become one peaceful nation.” He looked at Adriannah, who took her gun from her waist and slide off her chair, going down on all fours.

This time Dean took his attention to her. He looked down at her as he body started to change form.What the hell…? Before his eyes stood a white wolf with dark amber eyes, her fur shined against the white light that bugged his eyes. She is a…

“She is a Morpherias; I thought they were killed out over three hundred years ago. This is truly fascinating.” Bridge jumped from his seat and coming up to Adriannah, but her attention was on Dean, who stared at her with hateful eyes.

“Are you sure she isn’t a sick experiment?” Dean spoke; his voice was so deadpanned and deep. “Only a Morpherias has the eagle crest as a birthmark at birth.”

Letting out a low growl, Adriannah transformed but kept her eyes on Dean. “I have the birthmark.” She smirked and pulled her jacket away from her chest, revealing a tribal eagle above her right breast. “Is that enough proof for you?”

Dean glared at her as she sat back down, but all the blood in his body was gathering up in a piece of his anatomy that was now aching and caused him to sit up.

Abraham cleared his throat, “Well since that is out of the way, I was going to ask you two if Adriannah here can study under your teaching of being a wolf. She is the only morpher of her kind left.  Not only that see the nature of a real werewolf, not what our people think they are.” Silence fell in the room, until Bridge said he would be glad to teach her.

“Are you barking mad?” Dean growled. “To hell if I have to teach her, better yet they might decide to marry us next.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem.” Adriannah said leaning back in her chair. “They use to do years ago between warring nations. That rule can apply now.” Adriannah crossed her arms over her chest. Damn he was hot, when you get him angry.

“Excuse me, Abraham but can we talk to Adriannah privately please?” Bridge asked. Abraham left the room and Adriannah sighed. “My dear, I would be my honor to teach you, but you have to be committed and very quick on your lessons.”

“I am very fast learner.” Adriannah heard a scuff from Dean. “Would you quit with the attitude? I don’t think you are the only werewolf here that wants to get off vampire lands. There is enough freakin’ tension outside this room. So stop your pathetic pouting and stay quiet. If you don’t like it, go home back to your side of town with your freakin tail between your legs.” She turned back to Bridge who tried to hide a smile.

How dare she talk to me like that? Never has anyone talk to me like that.

 Dean’s eyes swept over her body, as she stood up and he was instantly hard.  She was a quiet a beautiful girl, but a morphing vampire. He body was toned like a fighter and her features were sharp and stunning. He watched her listen closely to every word Bridge said. A smile was always on her face as she nodded and looked at his cousin.

 He had a deep desire to take her in his arms and kiss her until they were both dizzy. To feel her skin against his as they....

Don’t you dare go there asshole. You’re a werewolf and she is a vampire, which is a big taboo in both worlds. Just keep your hormones down for a wild.

Yeah try telling that to my wolf….

The meeting ended when Abraham came back inside the room, with Andrew at his side. Bridge informed them that Adriannah will be starting her wolf training tomorrow at sunset and thing would follow after. Dean stayed quiet, as he watch the vampire next to Adriannah drape his arm over her shoulder protectively and pull her close. Envy started to creep into him as she left with him out of the room.

The Hybrid Series: His Mate.... {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now