His Mate....Four

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“He is very arrogant and grumpy.” And the gorgeous man I have ever seen.  Adriannah took apart her gun and cleaned the barrel. “So how is the wife?” She looked up at her cousin.

“Jayne is well and pregnant; she wants you to through a huge baby shower. Even though the baby is due is in twelve weeks.” He chuckled. “It’s a boy, by the way. Are you excited about your classes with a werewolf?”

She shrugged and took the daggers off her dining room table. “Bridge seems thrilled to study my every move. He has never seen a Morpherias so close only in the books he reads about us. However Dean...” The thought of his gorgeous face brought a smile to hers. “He is a little, ummm standoffish about the whole thing.”

Andrew laughed, “You have to be patient about it, and he will come around.” At that same moment his link buzzed. He put it in his ear. “Hey, honey…. No I am with Adriannah. … I am on my way, I love you.”

“Go, your wife needs you. I will be fine.”  Adriannah hugged her cousin and watched him leave.

When her apartment was silent once again, she went in her living room. But something was off when she saw her picture of Andrew and her over the fire place. At that same moment she turned around and tried to hit who ever was behind her. In front of her stood a man that wore all black and half of his face was covered. A gun was strapped to the left side of his waist. His wore the uniform of a protector, something like what Andrew wore.

“Who are you?” She hissed. The vampire and wolf inside her came alive.

“As your instructors say you are. Always ready for a fight.” He chuckled and pulled his face covering down to reveal a handsome face. “The name’s Sway Jensen.” He held his gun up the laser pointer, pointed at her head. “And I came to ask you for a favor.” He put his finger on the trigger.

Without a blinking, Adriannah kicked the gun out of his hand and punched him hard enough to make his stagger back a couple of feet away. He hissed showing his fangs, as he came at her, he tried to punch her. But she caught his fist and kneed him in the side so hard he cried out in pain. Cursing he took out a knife and charged at her again, only this time Adriannah couldn’t disarm him.

He grabbed her from behind in a half nelson. Dammit! Holding her breath she rammed her elbow into his ribs but that didn’t help his grip around her neck got tighter. I need to get…. She felt a stabbing pain in her side, that’s when her vision was becoming blurry and her limbs loosing its strength. Trying to move she felt her body on fire and then everything went blank.

“I think that will make you less violent and more attentive to what I have to say.” Sway held the unconscious heiress in his hand. Never has he had any vampire attack him that way and get through all his defenses. Especially if it was a woman. “Andrew has taught you well. Maybe too well.” He lifted her in his arms and laid her on the couch.

Adriannah woke up with a headache that could give her brain damage, on top of all that her body was on fire like she had vervain in her system.

“Finally you’re awake.” A chill ran down her spine as Sway came into view. “I think it would be easier to talk if I have you like this.” He stood over. “Like I was saying I need you to do a favor.” Clinching her teeth together through the pain, she asked what he had done to her. “I have vervain in your system, but I will give you the antidote once you agree to the favor.”

“Depends on what it is.” She growled.

“I want you to assassinate Dean Nash.”  His voice without emotion.

“What?” she could not breathe from what she just heard. “Why?”

“Dean Nash is too much of a powerful werewolf and my uncle doesn’t want him to live when the treaty is broken. That’s why he convinced you, your parents and those stupid dogs to let you study under them. Once he is out of the way we can drive them out of London for good. You will be our spy and help us assassinate him.”

“And what if I don’t?” She felt her chest burning.

“Then your precious cousin Andrew dies.” He shrugged. “ You know that all protectors have a chip fused in their bone when they are at the age of ten. That chip is used to terminate any protector, who disobeys orders. So what will it be?” he smiled at her. “Your cousin’s life or obeying my orders? You make the choice.”

Tears stung Adriannah’s eyes; she loved her cousin so much. He was the big brother she never had, since her parents only cared about their lives and not her. Andrew was the only one who could understand her. Not only that his wife was expecting a child and she didn’t want to see her niece or nephew fatherless.  She didn’t want him to die because of her. Closing her eyes she agreed.

“You have three months to complete this.” He said putting a vile in her hand. “Here is the antidote, see you later at sunset.” 


“It’s like your leaving mother’s nest and flying away.” Andrew hugged Adriannah.

A lump formed in her throat as she bit back tears. “It will only be three months, I can handle myself. Tell Jayne I love her and I will be back soon to through her the biggest after the baby shower party.”

A limo parked in front of them and they broke their embrace as she headed for the door that was held open for her.

“Walk in the shadows.”  Andrew said crossing his arms over his chest.

“Where no harms can touch you….” She smiled and climbed in.

“Awww how cute.” Sway draped his arm over, her shoulder. Shrugging it off and looked out the window. 

You will get your day, Sway Jensen and it won't be pleasant. 


“She is a beautiful girl.” Dean’s mother looked at the picture Bridge gave her. “She’s the Morpherias?” 

Dean nodded and took the picture from her, looking at it, she was a beautiful girl. Adriannah didn’t seem like the other vamp girls he seen around. She was full of life.  In the picture her expression was serious, but in her eyes he saw a mysterious girl. Not only that she isn’t afraid to tell you what was on her mind.

“Dean, Aunt Helen, they are here.” Bridge announced and watched them follow them out to the front of the mansion.

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