Chapter 6:Fighting Jed

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Vegeta:Goku I can sense a really high power level

Goku:me to.It must be Jed.

All the saiyans went super saiyan god ready to fight Jed.Jed's power level dropped as he stood in front of the saiyans.

Gohan:Leave this to me.

Goku: sure.

Piccolo:Are you out of your mind?Gohan will die.

Vegeta:Look at his power level.

Piccolo:So high.

Vegeta:Obviously he's a super saiyan god.

Jed:Your sending a teenager to do your dirty work.

The battle had begun.They used moves that no one had ever seen before.they battled.The battle got put of hand and Jed used death beam on Goku.

Goku:Oh.Im okay.

Gohan:You will pay for hitting my dad like that.

They battled all through the night until they were tired.Gohan fell to the floor in pain and Jed remained standing.They were breathing heavily.Goku stepped in.Bang.Goku was shot with a Death Ray.

Gohan:Dad.Dad I will avenge you.

Gohan went mad as his power level rose higher and higher.Jet couldn't believe his eyes but still he stood there with a straight face.Gohan use Masenko.


Jed was destroyed but is the worst gone.

Gohan:Dad your awake I thought you died.

Goku:I wasn't hurt at all.maybe a little but I only faked so you could become angry and destroy Jed.

Trunks:Well... it certainly worked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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