Smartest in Kindergarten? Of Course.

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As a child, I was gifted my mother knew it, I knew it. Going into kindergarten I already new the alphabet and how to count to 100 so I walked in like any future cardiovascular surgeon would, I told the teacher I already knew all of this so I'm going to play with my toys. The teacher was not fond of me, but she did know I was brilliant. She told me my mom that I should move up a grade, my mom was very negative about this idea, she never once thought that I should be the "little kid" so I finished kindergarten, I did not have any friends in my class because I was a little bitch to all of them. So starting elementary school was a challenge. I started to wonder, will I ever make any friends. But I did. In first grade once again I was the smartest but I did make a couple friends, their names were Gretchen and Charlie. We were really great friends throughout grade school. At 8th grade graduation we all made the honor roll every single quarter of every single grade so it was no surprise we all got an award for outstanding student. It was a surprise however when I won the award for most promising student. I knew I was smart, but I never received any recognition like this. I was shocked. I took this award with pride and I knew I was ready to take on high school and college. All three of us did indeed go to the same high school.

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