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  • Dedicated to Samantha Farris

We drove for a while, keeping to ourselves. We didn't talk but every once in a while one of us would catch the other staring at them, which would make both of us blush like nuts. Suddenly my phone buzzed.

1234567890: Ello love, it's Harry.

Me: Hey Harry what's up?

I entered his number in my phone with a smile.

:)Harry: Nothing much. Hows the date going?

Me: It's kinda quiet. We arn't at the park yet.

:)Harry: Ok, well keep him in shape. Talk to you later.

Me: Will do! Talk to you later

Our car came to a halt and I noticed we were on a beach. The water was splashing onto the shore and the sunlight sparkled on the water. I was snapped out of my trance when Niall opened my door.

"Sam?" he held out a hand to me. I took it and stepped out of the car. I saw that he had a blanket laid out with a basket on it. I smiled as he twirled me around and walked me to the blanket. We sat down as he pulled out dozens of things. Meat, veggies, fruit, tofu, tuna, salads, juice, soda, water, you name it he had it.

"I-I didn't know what you like so I packed a little of everything..."

"Wow you packed a lot of stuff."

"What would you like?"

"Um, turkey sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickle, and mustard." he smiled and made my sandwich. He handed it to me and gave me some water.

"I'm impressed."

"By what?"

"The fact that you made my food before making your own."

"Is that good or bad?"

"I know what that means."

"W-What does it mean." I raised an eyebrow at his stuttering. Was he scared he did something wrong?

"It means you like me." I smiled and he blushed and looked down. We didn't speak untill we were done eating.

"Wanna listen to the radio?

"Sure." he jumped up, ran to his car and turned on the radio. He came back and sat down for a while until one of my favorite songs came on. 'The Highway Don't Care.' I sang along with the song.

"Bet your window's rolled down and your hair's pulled back

And I bet you got no idea you're going way too fast

You're trying not to think about what went wrong

Trying not to stop 'til you get where you goin'

You're trying to stay awake so I bet you turn on the radio And the song goes" I stop singing when I noticed Niall singing along too

"I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby, baby" I can't believe he can hit those notes!! So I start singing with him again.

"The highway won't hold you tonight

The highway don't know you're alive

The highway don't care if you're all alone

But I do, I do.

The highway won't dry your tears

The highway don't need you here

The highway don't care if you're coming home

But I do, I do.

I bet you got a dead cell phone in your shotgun seat

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