On Our Way

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Sam's POV

I sat there in his arms for what felt like hours before he spoke up.

"I love you too Sam, I'll love you forever."

I looked up at him with tears on the verge of poring out. I knew he'd already said it but I've always longed for a guy to share this special moment with me. I swore on my heart that I would only fall after this moment, I swore this on the day I got out of that dreaded hospital were my child died. I hope to god little Austin is ok and approves of me falling for Niall.


The next day


I ran trough the house packing everything I could think of, clothes, shoes, scarfs, jackets, socks, bras, everything I would need. I ended up with 3 bags. I drug them down the stairs one at a time. The girls weren't home, I have not idea where Leigh Anne, Jesse, or Jade were, but Perrie went over the the boys' house way to early for me. I sat down on the couch, completely out of breath. I smoothed out my favorite pink shirt that says "Kickin' It" and had a ninja on it. I looked down at my white and black Nike Shox (look them up) and black skinny jeans. I took a second to think then ran up the stairs to grab my black beanie, I truly love that thing almost as much as I love Niall.

When I got up the stairs I took a second to look at the photo on my door. We had taken it when I first got to the house, it was Niall and I kissing in front of the door. I smiled at the memory and took the picture off the door. I ran downstairs and got some tape, then I opened my laptop bag and taped it into the carry on bag.

I quietly waited on the couch until the doorbell rang. I jumped up to open it and Niall was standing there in the sunshine. His blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight and his blue eyes glittered brightly. I smiled and kissed him. We pulled away when we heard Harry scream, "HURRY UP LOVE BIRDS WE HAVE A PLANE TO CATCH." Then Niall helped me drag my bags to the cars that were following the limo. We would get on the bus when we had "just touched down" (A/N: AHAHAHAH THOSE MIDNIGHT MEMORIES REFERENCES THOUGH) in NY. The boys had just released their new album and I couldn't wait. I love all their songs and constantly listened to them singing each others part at their place.

I climbed into the limo with the Boyd's and Perrie. Little Mix wasn't selling very much of anything lately but they were still recording a lot. But since she had nothing else to do she decided to come with us on tour. I looked around the confined space to fine Ele, but she wasn't there.

"Where's Ele?" I looked at Louis.

"She going to meet us at the airport, she doesn't like people crowding around the cars." he laughed a bit to lighten the mood and we responded with bright smiles and small chuckles. While we traveled to the airport we shared laughs and stories. By the time we got there we saw some ropes set up, like what you see at the entrance of an award show, just without a red carpet.

As we got out the screams of girls flowed throughout the crowd. Niall helped me get out and a few girls in the front screamed my name. My eyes widened as they just kept screaming. I slowly turned to Niall.

"Would it be bad it I went over and and talked to them?" I held his hand tight as he pondered the question.

"I guess not." he said smiling as I kissed him and let go of his hand to see the girls. They asked me to sign something for them and I gladly did. My first fans. I loved it. I walked bak over to Niall as we got our bags and dragged them into the airport.

When we got inside we put our bags down and sat around waiting for the plane to be ready. I wondered around and was about to go back and sit down when I heard a high, screechy voice.

"Yo bitch!" I turned around slowly and saw to bleach blondes smacking on gum with bright pink "I ❤ Niall" t-shirts on. Great.

"Um, are you talking to me?" I pointed to myself, even though I knew they were.

"Is there anyone else here who goes around mackin on another girl's guy? Yeah I'm talking to you whore." I felt a tingle I up and down my spine as these words chilled through my body, "another girl's", "whore", "bitch". It bothered me. I didn't answer back and just turned around to keep walking, but I guess I never get off that easy. "Are you walking away from us hoe?! Just cuz your with Ni doesn't mean you aren't one of us now, you know your in it for the cash!" I shuddered and turned around to see two large security guards come up behind the girls. The guards took their arms and began to drag them away.

"YOU'LL NEVER BE RIGHT FOR HIM YOU UGLY ASS BITCHY MOTHER FUCKING WHORE!!!!" Wow, that hurt. I felt a few tears well up in my eyes. I began to shake a bit. But then I heard a time voice behind me.

"Are you Sam?" I turned around to see a small girl, about 6, clutching a teddy bear looking at me with bright eyes. I wiped my tears away and bent down to see eye to eye with her. She had blazing red hair with bright blue eyes and freckles that covered her face.

"Yeah I'm Sam." I sniffed from the forbidden emotional spell.

"What's wrong?" she looked at me with deep thought and her eyes looked so much like Steph's.

"Nothing, those girls just hurt my feelings a bit, but I'm fine." I wiped away another tear.

"I made you something." she smiled at me, clutching her bear tighter.

"Really?" no one had ever made me something before.

"Yeah, see." she held the bear out to me. I looked at its embroidered tummy and read what it said.

'You are beautiful, smart, and tough. Don't let their words effect that.

I love you,


I smiled at the sweet words. I had a real fan. Her name was Lila. My fan was a small, 6 year old, red headed, blue eyed, girl. She was perfect. I looked up at her and said I loved it, tears brimming my eyes again. She came towards me

and gave me a hug through the ropes.

"LILA!!!!" we both heard it and I stood up. A black haired, brown eyed girl ran through the crowd to find my small fan.

"There you are! I've been looking for you, we have to get going." she turned to look at me and freaked out. "YOU'RE NIALL'S GIRLFRIEND SAM OMG YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!" She jumped up and down for a bit but calmed down. She had a smile spread across her face and asked for me to sign her phone case.

"I don't think I have a pen..." sighing, I thought of something and leaned in to whisper to her, "Look, I'm not suppose to do this but because you guys are like my first real fans, let's do this." I held out my phone and took her name and number then texted her. I told her not to give it to anyone else and that she can call and text me anytime. I even told her that when we get back we might be able to meet up again. She jumped with joy and then a speaker came on overhead.

"Flight 62 is now boarding."

"Omg! Lila we have to go bye Sam!" she grabbed Lila's hand and took off through the crowd. I waved and watched them go.

"Bye Lila and Lucy!!!!" I smiled as Niall came up behind me.

"Did you make some friends?" he laughed. I nodded and we grabbed our things. I threw my bag over my shoulder as they told us to board the plane. As we boarded Niall snatched up my hand and we got onto the plane. Going to the place I call home.


Omg guys ok this is the final chapter of this book and I'm sorry for the terrible updating I'm just really busy right now. I've decided this book won't begin a series and I'm sorry but this is it. Ok so comment and rate and stuff.


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