Chapter 1

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Silently I sit gazing out the window of the geography office. Miss Close had gone to capture a loose child who decided they didn't want to be in lessons while I replayed the events of the morning in my head. All I could remember was the sickening feeling that built inside me as I sat in my science lesson before I walked out.

Each time I thought about it, the series of events that had happened got worse, but my thoughts were soon interrupted. She walked back into the office and sat down beside putting one arm round me but as she began to speak I could no longer contain the tears. We sat talking for a while, making me feel slightly better. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better teacher that day. Eventually We came to the agreement I could stay in her office for the rest of the day and then we would just take each day as it comes.

My thoughts were muddled as I left that day and little did I know everything outside of my school was about to get worse. On my way home I always go up the yard as it backs onto my housing estate. I went to see my pony but before I got that far I was greeted by the news that a virus was spreading around the yard and I was unable to see her for at least a month.

I went to bed early that evening and lay there imagining the following day and how everything would just get worse.

I woke up to my alarm clock and wished everything would just go away. Knowing I would be made to go in I got ready as usual. As soon as I arrived everyone appeared a blur as I quickly made my way back to the geography office where I hoped I could hide for most of the day. I waited for about 10 minutes before I could hear the distinctive noise of her keys round her neck which jingled as she walked up the stairs. This came as a relief as I had imagined her not being there that day. I happily stayed in what had been renamed Millie's little cupboard, for the majority of the day. Somehow she managed to persuade me to go to English but as I walked up the stairs that same feeling took over my mind and I walked away feeling completely stupid and so cross with myself. Luckily she understood and let me stay with her for what was left of the afternoon. I Knew I couldn't go on like this forever but I had no way of making my self go to lessons where I would be surrounded by children that are complete idiots and teachers that seem to pretend to know everything.

Days like this were repeated for at least two weeks were I would try and fail again and again. I felt as though I was trapped in my own mind but in a weird way I was happier as it meant I didn't have to be surrounded by the animals in my school.

Over time the issue became worse were I began refusing to go in. Each day I hid in that office the only place in the building where I didn't feel totally lost and uncomfortable. Eventually after multiple events it was agreed until Christmas I didn't have to got to any lessons which made the last 3 days almost enjoyable.

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